CH 12

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3rd person's POV

everyone was in shock, literally frozen in place. " what did he mean by the " revival book"? " sapnap said filling up the uncomfortable silence. " do you and sam have anything to do with this? " he added with a stern tone.

" what? n- " quackity got cut off by sam.
" uhm.. yeah... it was quackity who did everything but i was also at fault.. " sam truthfully said. " what do you mean sam?.. "
captain puffy asked with curiousity and worry.

" a-.. ask him.. " sam pointed at quackity.
everyone except sam looked at him. " i- fine! i.. i came to visit him everyday to get the revival book " quackity said while looking down at his feet.

everyone knew that wasn't the only thing he did when he came to visit dream in the prison when he was there. i mean, who wouldn't? dream literally said he was getting TORTURED for some book that can revive people from the dead.

" we know that's not the thing you did when you keep visiting him, quackity " sapnap said, his voice is chilling when he's serious. " tch... i- i also keep torturing him physically, mentally, and emotionally every time i visit him. i- it's not my fault!

he deserves it for causing so much harm to us!! " quackity exclaimed. " all of us caused harm here quackity! we were all too blind to see... HE WAS THE ONE WHO GOT EFFECTED THE MOST! WE.. we shouldn't stress him even more.. " george yelled.

" snap out of it george! that's just one of his evil manipulation sche- " " shut UP QUACKITY. HE'S NOT MANIPULATING US TODAY!! HE'S LEAVING US SOME.. hints.. of what we've also done..

i.. killed pets and did arson, the minors kept grieving and that's one of the rules in the SMP, technoblade and philza tried to go to the end.. and other crimes, we did more crimes than dream did! yet HE WAS THE ONE WHO GOT BLAMED WITH EVERYTHING!

what we did WASN'T fair.. all of us just didn't wanted to accept the truth... we have to make things right, everyone. " sapnap explained seriously. he looked around at everyone who was just nodding and humming a little bit as agreement.

sapnap looked at quackity. " quackity? " quackity flinched slightly and nodding a little bit also while pouting.

" okay.. i-.. i'll explain something for the better tomorrow.. let's all rest for today " sapnap added, everyone agreed.

~ meanwhile with dream ~

Dream's POV

i teleported not that far from the village. i took off my mask and wiped off the dry tears i had with my towel. are they really going to do my favor? i.. i doubt it a little but i'll look forward to it.

as i finished wiping my tears off i took out my water bucket from my inventory and placed it to the ground to wash my face off.
after i finished again, i wiped it all off with the same towel and put the water bucket back to my inventory.

i walked towards the village and removed the magical barrier and also saw tommy and ghostboo sitting on a bench near the grass path. i chuckled a little so they don't hear me, i decided to suprise them with something..

i hid behind a house, it doesn't look like they notice me arriving anyway but i still did. as an admin myself i spawned in hoodies that match their colors and two netherite axes with some enchantments. i hid them in my inventory.

i sneakily went behind them and tapped their shoulders as they were reading a book. they flinched and quickly looked back at me, i laughed. " big D! your back! " tommy exclaimed and stood up running to me to give a big tight hug.

" welcome back dream.. " ghostboo said as he stood up. i smiled at him. " aw come here ghostboo, it's fine " i reassured him. he smiled brightly and floated to me and hugged me, i hugged the both of them.

as the three of us let go of each other, i spoke up. " i have something for the both of you! ". they looked at me with curiousity, i giggled at their reaction. i took it all from my inventory. i showed it to the both of them. " suprise! " i exclaimed.

their eyes sparkled on what they saw, i chuckled and gave it to them. " for you toms, i named your axe " big innit " because the one who owns it is a big man! " i said as he jumped from excitement while grinning widely.

" as for you boo, i named yours " a special boo " since the one who now owns it is a special spawned ghost! " i exclaimed as his eyes growed more sparkles.

the both of them also wore the hoodies i got them. " these are so cool big D! thank you!! " tommy yelled out as he hugged my again, ghostboo also did the same thing after he finished saying thank you.

i gladly hugged them back, i wished i had this in the past but now that doesn't matter, i get to have it now that's alright. i'll go back there in a month..


856 words

i'm excited this book will be finished soon!<33

i get to write another one:))

btw how are you all?

stay safe out there!!:)))

see you<3

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