CH 13 (finale)

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~ 1 and a half month(s) later ~

Sapnap's POV

everything's actually doing good today ever since dream left that day, i hope he comes back soon.. i want him to see all the changes in the SMP, he'll be happy and be our friend again! i want to fix everything as an apology for our wrong actions....

everyday i would in the the taiga forest but today i had to come there late since i was checking everything in the SMP, all of us removed governments but still kept the nations. all the nations and it's resources are being shared,

everyone is doing good like helping out those who need help and not seeking for power and control and no wars broke out for a long time and everybody actually felt relieved, we all also promised to apologize to dream when he comes back. i hope he does...

after a few minites of walking around i decided to go check on the taiga forest if he's there today or not. i was near the taiga until i heard muffled talking innthe distance, is he actually here!?

i rushed towards the spot to see three figures, one was taller while the one on the right was slightly shorter and in the opposite direction the other figure was floating.

as i got even closer i finally saw who they were. it was dream, tommy, and.. ghostboo? how did they even stumble into each other? wait, i thought tommy was against dream? a lot of questions popped up in my mind but i brushed it all off.

i walked towards them and greeted them,
" hey dream! i.. um, i apolohize for what we've done in the past.. we regretted it.. but! all of us fixed everything if you want to see! " i exclaimed as they looked at me, my eyes widened at the sight of dream.

his mask was off, i never get to see his face. i quickly turned my head in an opposite direction to where he was because ofcourse i resoect his privacy and boundaries. all i heard was dream chuckling.

" it's fine sapnap, you can look it's not that bug of a deal " dream spoke up. i turned my head slowly to him. " are you sure?.. " i asked. he hummed in agreement and smiled at me. i never get to see those types of smiles before it made me happy.

i smiled back at him, " hello tommy, hello ghostboo " i greeted the two minors who were just there listening to us. " 'ello " tommy said. " hello sapnap.. " ghostboo also said but with a low tone. " don't worry ghostboo.. i won't hurt you i promise "

ghostboo nodded in understandment. " so dream.. wanna see the changes? " i asked hoping he would accept and suprisingly he did! i punched the air before i led him back to the SMP. " and dream, also. all of us removed all the gorvernments but jept the nations, all of us share each other's resources

and war hasn't broke out for a long matter of time and everything's peaceful now! all of us decided to do it all your way, we're ll also sorry for what we've done.. we we're too blind to see.. " i explained as we were walking around the prime path.

i felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked back at him, " like i said, i forgave you guys a ling time ago.. it's good to hear all of you guys learned from the past " he softly said while having a bright smile plastered a cross his face.

i also smiled at him, he leaned in for a hug as i also hugged back. " thank you dreamie... " i rested my head on his shoulder on the hug not noticing hot tears coming out of my eyes. i tighten the hug afraid to let go.

he patted my back as i sobbed in sadness and happiness at the same time. he got tortured and got wronged by everyone yet he still forgave us... he really does have a big heart..

a few minutes later, we bith let go of each other as he wiped off some dry tears that was on my cheeks. i brushed off the negative thoughts and came back to my positive side.

" let go of the past.. our present is at peace now.. "Where stories live. Discover now