CH 4

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Dream's POV

i finished watering the garden and i went back inside the house , i saw tommy in the living room sitting in a chair. he looks like in he's in deep thoughts.

i went towards him. " tommy? " i said low and soft so he doesn't jump. " oh hey.. " he replied. " are you alright? you look like something is bothering you.. do you wanna talk about it? you know you can tell me anything... " i said calmly. is it because of tubbo? looks like it...

" dream, is it true that the SMP just used me? " tommy looked at me. they used him? those bastards... and they tell me i'm the one hurting a minor.. i can't believe them, how dare they..

" what? tommy, no. i'm sure some of none or some of the SMP used you but not that much.. like bad, antfrost, skeppy(the ones that are none) ,and others. i'm sure all of them have atleast one reason or more.

and tommy, don't even think of saying in your thoughts that you are useless, you are your own special human, alright? do you understand? " i said reassuringly, i don't want him to think that he is worthless like i did and most importantly,

he's a minor! why would they try to manipulate him?! i didn't try to manipulate the minors but my plans didn't go as expected at that time and i regretted it, but i know the didn't felt atleast a pinch of guilt.

tommy nodded in response. " dream, will..
you promise me not to use me or leave me and do you promise to trust me? " tommy asked, i would obviously! i nodded " ofcourse, i promise i won't use you or leave you and i will give you all my trust. " i said and smiled at him genuinely.

tommy started to tear up, again. i could see how he didn't cry for a long matter of time. i opened my arms to welcome him in an embrace. he rushed to me and immediately hugged me and i kept hearing him mumble ' thank you 's. i hugged him back.

i promise you tommy, that i will keep you safe.. i'm sure of it, no one can bother our peaceful life in this small village..

a few minutes later. we both let go of each other. i wiped off some of his dry tears and carrassed his cheek, he smiled. i will protect you tommy.. i promise. he's like a little brother to me.

" how about we go and introduce you to the village? or do you want to rest for a while?" " i-i'll.. yeah.. let's go outside. are you sure they'll like me?.. " said tommy worringly. i chuckled. " ofcourse, why wouldn't they? a friend of mine is a friend of theirs " i said reassuringly. tommy smiled. i stood up and gestured him to come with me outside, he nodded, he stood up and started to follow.

3rd person's POV

dream and tommy were in the center of the village while all the citizens of the village were circling them both. dream smiled and clapped his hands to get all the people's attention, it was silent now.

" everyone, i'd like you all to meet tommyinnit. do you wanna introduce yourself toms? "dream said filling up the silence. tommy flinched at the nickname and dream took notice of this.

" oh i'm sorry tommy. i forgot you don't like being called like tha- " dream got cut off by tommy saying. " no it's alright.. i just never heard somebody call me that for a long time after all those times that happened in the past... " ... " okay, what is UP VILLAGERS!! the name's tommyinnit, you can call me big man! i'm 17, but i'm no where close. NOT EVEN A BIT close on being a child obviously " tommy said.

dream wheezed at this. wheezed like a tea kettle cause... he is one. tommy took notice of this and turned to look at dream starting to throw tantrums at him.

the rest of the village laughed at what's happening infront of them. tommy who was throwing tantrums started to laugh with them. everything was enjoyable, well.. until another smp member came by.


700 words

who do you think it will be?:^^

you'll find out soon!<33

how are you?:))

i hope you're doing great!

i'll see you again:]

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