CH 3

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Dream's POV

i was continuing to read my book whem i heard tommy say something to me. " hm? do you need something tommy? " i asked. tommy nodded in response.

a few minutes of talking later, he started to tear up mid way. i went towards him to give comfort. i put my hand on his shoulder and he leaned onto my chest. i played with his golden yellow hair. he calmed down a few minutes after.

" s-sorry.. " said tommy in a low but filled with sadness and guilt tone. i smiled at him genuinely. " it's alright tommy no need to apologize, everyone needs to cry and get some comfort from time to time.. " i said to reassure him that everything's fine.

tommy still leaned on my chest. and started to doze off, i guess tearing up made him tired again, it's not like i mind or anything.

he looks like he's been going through a lot lately and that's understandable. i've felt and experienced the same thing when i was still on the SMP, those times where i was locked up in the prison, but no one was there to comfort me.

i didn't mean to cause chaotic wars back then. i just wanted peace but everybody was too blind to even notice, they really had to build a nation without my consent, and it was also a nation that sells drugs, DRUGS.

i had to become the villain just to bring back peace, i never wanted government to exist in the first place, they never listened to me... they act like i just claimed this but i made this! the gods gave me this server to make my own world with my own imagination! they made become me the villain, i had no other choices left. i became one hoping it would bring back peace to the SMP, i don't care if i'm notpart of it as long a they are a big family.

little did i know my expectations were wrong. everyone has their own nation now, they want power... why? i'm so sorry tommy... i'll make it up to you soon i promise.. i continued to play with his gold blond hair and looked at the window, it was still dark outside.

i sighed and went back to the bedroom and placed him down, pulled the covers to him so he doesn't get cold. i kissed his forehead. " good night tommy.. " i said with a low but soft tone and stood up to go out of the room. i closed the door slowly and made my way back to the chair where i sat a few minutes ago when he was still asleep.

i sat down and continued to finish my book, i'm still not tired just yet so why not? i'll go to sleep when i finish this. i started to read the book.

~ in the morning ~

Tommyinnit's POV

i woke up just to see that i'm back on the bed again, i smelled something delicious and it was coming from outside the bedroom door. it attracted me so i got off the bed, folded the covers and opened the door while walking towards the smell.

it was dream, he was cooking something in the kitchen. dream turned his head in my direction. " oh hello, good morning tommy. i cooked you breakfast, it's in the table " he chirped and smiled before he got back to cooking.

" yeah, good morning.. thank you.. " i said with a tired voice and went to the table then sat to eat my food. ofcourse it was still delicious. i got berries and a pumpkin pie slice for desert and cooked porkchop for the main, and an apple juice for the drink. i can tell he puts a lot of efforts on his cooking. i ended up finishing my food again.

" hey dream..? " " hm? do you nedd something tommy? " dream asked. " u-uhm.. i don't have a place to stay, techno and philza won't take me in cause they don't trust me.. i know it's a sud- " he cut me off. " ofcourse tommy, as long as you help me with some of my work. it's not that much or you can also help me in the bakery! " he said with unnoticable excitement.

" wait.. you own a bakery? " i asked with visible confusion. " ofcourse i do, where do you think i get the pastries and breads from? " i thought he just baked those for himself, i guess it does make sense though. " okay, where did you learn how to cook and bake? " i asked.

" oh, niki taught me, she was the only friend i had that didn't betray me. she understood me very well and i'm grateful for being her friend, she was also the one i only told about my runaway before you and the rest of the SMP knew about it. i trusted her not to tell anyone " he said while smiling.

hmm.. niki is the smp's sweetheart and owns a bakery in l'manberg that has good sweets and pastries. " well can you teach me? " i hesitantly asked, he probably won- " sure! i would love to teach you, i actually wanted to teach atleast a player in cooking. niki would be grateful!

and ofcourse if i would teach somebody about it i'll obviously give credit to her cause she was the one who taught me in the first place " dream chirped.

he actually accepted? i thought he wouldn't... " oh, can i.. borrow some clothes by the way? " " ofcourse, i got some that might fit you, just let me finish this alright? " i hummed in response. a few minutes later, he finished cooking and went to the bedroom.

he came back with some clothes and a towel. " here, i also got you a towel if you want to take a bath " he gave me the fabrics and i quickly went to the bathroom after saying thank you to him. i guess he isn't as bad as i thought he would be.


1000 words

hey did you know the phone i'm using to make this story fell in a puddle of water

good thing the damage wasn't that bad:))

i've had a lot of bad luck today for some reason:((

anyways i'll see you again!<33

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