Chapter 1

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Previously on Season 1 -Chapter 15-

I drop on my knees as I breathe heavily. Blood starts dripping down my nose. My eyesight grows blurry by the seconds. I realize I've open a portal to the woods. It's a better place to die... than in that hell hole. So I just close my eyes and let the world surrounding me turns dark.

-I'm... Alive?-

Author P.O.V

A soft crunching sound of boots stepping on leaves can be heard. The sound of steps eventually comes to a stop when the person spotted a girl unconscious on the cold forest ground.

The man walks towards the girl and kneels down. He gently move the hair away from her girl's face. "Y/N" he said, staring at the girl in shock. He quickly picks the girl up in his arms. He starts to make his way to a small cabin near the forest.

Upon reaching the forest. He steps over a string, to not trigger the trap he set for intruders. He slowly makes his way to the front door. With one hand holding the girl steady, he use his free hand to knock on the door using a special knocking.

The door opens by itself, which makes the house looks haunted. But the man knows better. He slowly makes his way inside the house.

"Hey, kid... come over here. I found someone..." he said. A sound of footsteps can be heard from within the cabin. A girl with short brunette hair stops in her tracks when she notice the girl laying in the man's arms.

"Y-Y/N? Is that really Y/N??" She said, looking at the man in front of her. "Yeah... I found her in the forest when I try to go for some hunting..." he said. He gently place the unconscious girl on the couch. The girl rushes to her side and kneels down next to the couch.

She place a hand on her cheek. "Y/N..." she said, in a hush voice. Her heart breaks at the sight of her sister figure. Y/N's body is covered all over in bruises and scars.

"I'm going to go to the town and grab some medical necessities for Y/N. Look after her while I'm gone. Understand, El?" The man said. The brunette girl turns to look at him. "Okay, Hopper. I will take care of Y/N..." she said. Hopper nods his head and turns around to leave the cabin.

Eleven just turns her attention back to Y/N. She get up and rush to the bathroom, coming back with a bowl of fresh water and a towel. She place the bowl on the floor and go back to her kneeling position. She starts to wet the towel and rinse it out. Then she begins to clean Y/N's body from the dirt.



I open my eyes and notice a wooden ceiling above me. My eyes widened as I sit up, thinking the bad men have captured me again. I look around in panic, trying to find a way to escape this place.

"Y/N... hey, calm down" a voice said. I turn my head and gasp. "Eleven?" I said. She nods her head while smiling at me. I quickly get up and runs towards her, throwing my arms around her. She stumbles a little, but manages to stabilize herself. She returns the hug.

"You're alive!! I'm... alive?" I said, pulling away from her. She smiles and nods her head. "Yeah, Y/N" she said. "How... h-how did I g-get here? Did the b-bad men caught y-you too?" I asked. "No... no bad men. It's..." she stops mid-sentence when there's a knock on the door. She smiles and gently pat my shoulder. She turns around and walk towards the door. She opens it to reveal a man.

"Hopper?" I said. "Hey, kid..." he said. "So you're the one who found me?" I said. He smiles and nods his head. "God... what happened to you?" He said. I look down at myself.

My body is cleaned from mud and dirt. Making the cuts and bruises more visible. I can feel myself tearing up at the horrible memories. "Y-They took me back... a-and start t-t-torturing me like t-they did y-years ago..." I said, as I start to cry from the bad experiences. Eleven pulls me into a hug.

Hopper walks towards me and gently pat my head. "It's okay, kid. You're safe now. It's best if you stay here with Eleven and I. I'll keep you hidden. No one will know you're here..." he said. I look at him with a sad expression. "No one... Even Mike?" I said. "Even Mike..." he said, nodding his head.

"But why?" I asked, in a hush shaky voice. "The less people that knows you're here. The safer you'll be... it won't be long. I promise... you'll be out of here and meet Mike sooner than you know" he said. I just nod my head, believing his words.

"Now... here. Take this medicine..." he said. My eyes widened at what he said. I shake my head frantically. "M-Medicine? N... n-no... I'm not sick! N-No more m-medicine! No!!" I said. Eleven moves to stand in front of me. "It's okay, Y/N... just breathe, okay?" She said.

"What happened?" Hopper asked. "Medicine... made her in pain. Burning... her body" Eleven said. "Oh God..." he said. Eleven helps me to sit down. I clutch onto her shirt, desperate for any kind of comfort.

Hopper kneels down in front of me. "Listen, kid... I won't hurt you, okay? This medicine... will help you feel better" he said. I shake my head. "But I'm not sick!!" I yelled. "Hey... you're not going to feel any pain. Trust me, okay?" He said. I continue to shake my head. He lets out a sigh and pops out a pill from its packet. He place it inside his mouth and swallows it. He sticks his tongue out to show me that he did it.

"See? Nothing happened... it's safe for you. Now you eat it..." he said. I shakily outstretch my hand. He place a small pill on the palm of my hand. Eleven hands me a glass of water. I give her an uncertainty look. She smiles reassuringly at me. "It's okay. Drink it, Y/N" she said. I just nod my head and pops it in my mouth. I drink the water to help me swallow it.

"See? Nothing happened..." Hopper said. I just give him a weak smile. Eleven continue to rub my back, trying to comfort me. "Eleven... why don't you take her to your room. Your bed is big enough for the two of you. You should get some rest..." he said. Eleven nods her head. She helps me stands up and leads me to a room.

She walks towards the closet and take out a pair of clothes. "Here... change your clothes..." she said. I take it from her and walk towards the bathroom. I change my clothes, feeling glad that I don't have to wear the stupid hospital gown anymore.

Once I'm done, I throw the hospital gown on the bin. I leave the bathroom and walks back inside Eleven's bedroom. She smiles at me and pat the spot next to her, having already tucked herself on the bed.

I just silently crawl under the blanket next to her. She pulls the blanket up to my neck. She pat my head softly. "Sleep, Y/N... you're safe..." she said. I just close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

Relax... I'm safe...

*to be continued*

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