Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I just silently crawl under the blanket next to her. She pulls the blanket up to my neck. She pat my head softly. "Sleep, Y/N... you're safe..." she said. I just close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

Relax... I'm safe...

-It's Halloween-


I'm sitting on my bed. Hopper have prepare another bed for me, in the same room as Eleven. Our beds are right across each other. I stare out the window, watching the wind blowing gently against the tree.

"Y/N..." someone said. I turn my head to see Eleven. "Yeah?" I said. "It's Halloween tonight. Do you want to go?" She said. "Halloween? But Hopper wouldn't let us..." I said. "No one will see us. And don't you wanna see Mike?" She said. I nod my head at her question. I wanna see Mike. I miss him so much.

We start to work on our costume. I'm going to dress myself as a werewolf. It's perfect, I'm going to wear a heavy furred costume and a mask, no one will see me. Even if they do, they won't recognize me.

A While Later

After a while, we finally get our costume done. We put it on and walk outside to show it to Hopper. He is cooking some meal for us. We walk up to stand behind him. He turns around and jumps when he saw us.

"What are you doing?" He said. "Ghost..." Eleven said. "Werewolf..." I added. "Yeah... I can see that" he said, nodding his head. "Halloween!" I said. "It sure is. Now it's breakfast. Come on. Let's eat..." he said.

"They won't see us..." Eleven added. "Who wouldn't see you?" He said. "The bad people..." I said. "What are you talking about?" Hopper said, as he set up the dining table.

"Trick or treat..." Eleven said. "You two wanna go treat or treating?" He said. "Yeah" I said. "You know the rules. Now take it off" he said. "But they won't see us!" I said. "I don't care... you know what happen if they do. We do not take that risk, okay?" He said. I let out a sigh and take the costume off. I sit on the chair next to Eleven.

"Alright, look... how about I get off early tonight. I bought a lot of candies, and we can sit around and get fat. Watch a scary movie together. How's that for a compromise?" He said. "Com-promise?" Eleven said, looking confused.

I can't blame Eleven for being so confused. She stayed at the lab longer than me. I escaped earlier, and met my mom. She taught me a lot of words. Thats why I can speak more words than her.

"Com-p-r-o-m-i-s-e... that will be the word of the day okay? It's something caught in between, like half-way happy" he said. "By... 5-1-5?" Eleven said. "5:15. Yeah... sure..." he said. Eleven turns to look at me. I shrugs my shoulders, giving her a small smile. She nods her head.

"Promise?" I said, turning to look at Hopper. "Yes... I promise"Hopper said, nodding his head. "Half-way happy..." Eleven said. We start to eat. Hopper ruffles our hairs, which makes us smile softly.


We waited for the whole day, but Hopper didn't show up. Even after it reaches 5:15. We sit on the couch. Eleven stands up as she walk towards the wall, where there's a lot of written things.

"L-A-T-E... he's late" she said, turning to look at me. I nod my head, wordlessly. He promised he would come and have some fun with us, so we can feel a little happy. But he broke the promise.

I lean my head back and stare at the ceiling. "I really want to see Mike..." I said, in a hush voice. "I can help you..." she said. "How?" I asked, turning to look at her. "The void... I can take you there..." she said. I nod my head in agreement. She stands up and pulls me with her. She guides me to sit in front of the TV.

She turns in on and turns it into static. She wraps a blindfold in front of her eyes. She outstretch her hands. "Hold..." she said. I place my hands on top of hers. I feel a tingling sensation and close my eyes.

The Void

When I open my eyes, everything is dark. I can feel water underneath my feet. I turn to look at Eleven as she smiles at me. She slowly lets my hand go. I look around and notice Mike. He's sitting under the makeshift fort he made.

I walk towards him. "Hey, Y/N? It's me... it's Mike. It's day 326... I'm still here. Are you there, Y/N? If you're out there... if you're safe. Can you please let me know. Any signs? I miss you Y/N. Things have been pretty hard for me ever since you were taken away. Y/N... I need you" he said, to the Supercom. I frown and walk towards him. I kneel down in front of him.

"Mike..." I said, looking at him in sadness. He looks up and stares. It's like he's seen me. But I know it's not possible, because I'm not really in front of him. He let out a sigh and stands up. He walks away.

End of The Void

I open my eyes and burst into tears. Eleven moves towards me and wraps her arms around me. I lean my body against hers as I start to cry harder. I miss Mike... I wanna see him so bad.

"Let's go and see him, Y/N..." Eleven said. "We can't leave, Eleven..." I said. "Who cares about what he said! You want to see Mike, right? Look at you... you are sad. I hate seeing you sad, Y/N. So let's go..." she said. I look at her in surprise. This is the first time I heard her talk that much. This shows how seriously she is right now.

"Come on, Y/N. Let's go and see him" she said. I nod my head. She gets up and offers her hand. I place my hand on top of hers. She pulls me up. We make our way to the door and opens it.

We walk toward where the trap is set. We step over it and starts walking. I can feel a sense of happiness in my heart. I can see Mike... finally, after so long. I can see him again. Wait for me, Mike... I'm coming for you.

*to be continued*

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