Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

"Sister?" Eleven said. She looks at us with teary eyes. "Sister..." she said. "Hello, Kali..." I said, smiling at her. We share a group hug. I'm so happy to find her. The three of us were inseparable back then when we were inside that Lab. So to be able to reunite like this. It's everything.

-Revenge Plot-


I wake up to someone shaking me awake. I open my eyes to see Kali, sitting on the edge of the bed. I turn to my side to see Eleven sitting on her bed. I turn to look at Kali again, as she smiles at us.

"Come on... let's go meet the others. Properly this time..." she said. I turn to look at Eleven again. She smiles at me and nods her head. We get out of the bed and follows Kali. She leads us to where everyone else is gathering.

Kali introduce everyone. The people in Kali's gang consist of 5 people including herself. There's Mick, Axel, Funshine and Dottie. They give us a nod of acknowledgement.

"Don't get tricked of Funshine appearance. He's actually a big softie..." Kali said. "I know... I can see it clearly in his eyes..." I said, smiling at the guy. He smiles at me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N... and Jane" she said. "Likewise..." I said, smiling at him. I turn to look at the rest of the gang. Kali starts to tell us how she found these people. How they're just like us... an outcast.

"We have a dangerous job. These kids are innocent" Axel said. "Innocent? Want me to show you what I can do?" I said, turning to look at him. He visibly gulps at my words. I let out a laugh.

"Relax, Axel... I was only messing with you. Should have seen your face" I said. He let out a nervous laugh. "Damn... I take back what I said earlier. At least, she isn't... have you even killed people?" He said, turning to look at El. "Don't underestimate us, Axel... we murdered more people than you think" I said. "She's right... we've killed..." Eleven said. Axel just nods his head.

Eleven told her what she saw in her mother's mind. Kali shows us to a wall. "Anyone you recognize?" She said. I turn to look at the photo. Eleven take a look as well. After a while, she points towards a certain man.

"Ray Carrol. What did he do?" she said. "He hurts mama..." Eleven said. I nod my head. "Then that's the man we'll have to look for" I said. Kali nods her head in agreement.


We stop by the gas station store, to grab some things before we head to where Ray Carrol is. Kali tricked the worker that the toilet is flooded. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing at how he hops around. He looks so ridiculous right now.

"Okay... we have 5 minutes..." Kali said. We quickly run around the place and grab everything we need. I hear a click and turn my head. The worker points his gun at Axel.

"Put the gun down..." Kali said. Eleven use her power, sending the man towards a pile of styrofoam boxes. "He's seen our faces. It'll be dangerous if he reports us to the authority" I said, kneeling down next to the man. "What do you reckon we should do?" Kali said. "I'll handle it..." I said. I place my hand on the man's head. He sprung up from his unconscious state.

I place my hand on his chin. I stare into his eyes. "After we left... you will forget everything that had happened here. Before and after we left. Do you understand?" I said. He nods his head, looking in daze. I smile in satisfaction.

"Sleep..." I said, gently run my hand through his face. His eyes roll back and falls on the ground, sound asleep. "Damn, girl. What did you do?" Axel said. "I wiped his memories about his encounter with us..." I said.

A sound of police siren can be heard. "And that's our cue to leave" I said. Everyone nods their heads. We quickly rush out of the store before the police gets here.

"Hurry, Mick! Drive!" Kali said. She get on the truck and drive off. I place my head on the head rest, letting out a sigh. That was so intense. I've never done anything like that. Looks like I've unlocked a new power.

"You okay?" She said, turning to look at me. I turn to look at her. I wipe the blood from my nose and nod my head. "Oh yeah... I'm fine. Just my adrenaline rushing. And that was the first time I've ever tried to wipe someone's memories..." I said. She lets out a giggle. "But you have to admit it was fun, right? And what do you mean first time?" She said. "Indeed... and I meant... I've never done anything like that" I said, nodding my head.

"They did say you're a polymorph" Kali said. "They?" I said, turning to look at her in confusion. "They... those people back at the lab. You're different from Eleven and I, Y/N. When I first saw you... you were just a baby..." she said. "Wait... but we're about the same age" I said. She nods her head.

"That's true... but you age faster than us. Somehow it slows down when you reach this age" she said. I look at her in confusion. "So... I'm not a human at all?" I asked. "I don't know..." she said, shrugging. "Well... let's not think of that for now. Let's focus on the task in our hands" I said. She smiles and nods her head, agreeing with me.


We reach an apartment. We turn to look at Eleven, waiting for her to see what's going on inside the apartment. "He's alone..." he said. "Nice... just how we like" Kali said. She grabs her gun and walks out of the truck. The rest of us follows along.

Eleven opens the door to the apartment. We walk inside. I see a man sitting on the couch. "Hey..." Kali said. The man turns to look at us and jumps to his feet. He tries to run, but Funshine is standing in his way.

He push him back to his chair. "You remember us?" Kali said. "N-No..." he said. The light in the room flickers. When it brighten up again, we are in our child body.

"Okay... how about us?" She said. "Think carefully..." I said, glaring at the man. His eyes widened when he looks at me. "M-Monster..." he said, looking straight at me. "Monster? What do you mean monster?!" I said.

"You... your mother gave birth to you in there..." he said. "There... where?" I asked. "Alternate... world" he said. My eyes widened at what he said. Alternate world? Is he talking about the dark Hawkins? I was born there?

I walk towards him and slams my hand right next to his head. "Are you talking about the darker version of Hawkins??" I said. He nods his head rapidly. "I-I was t-the one w-w-who got you out of t-there... y-you were j-j-just a baby. B-But t-they know y-you were more than a m-mere c-child" he said, looking at me in fear.

I furrow my eyebrow as I think about it. Now it all make perfect sense. Why the paper said my body was colder than the North Pole, it's because I came from the Upside Down. The dark... cold world. The world where the monsters lived. If I was from the Upside Down, am I even a human... at all?

*to be continued*

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