Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

Mike P.O.V

I kneel down next to Y/N. I place my forehead on her chest. "P-Please..." I pleaded. My tears keep falling from my eyes, onto her shirt. I move my head from her chest. I place my forehead against hers. I start to cry harder. A few of my tears falls to her cheek. "Y/N... please...

Come back to me...


3rd P.O.V

Y/N opens her eyes, realizing she's in a different place. It's not the upside down, because the place is beautiful. "Where am I?" She said to herself, looking around the place.

She slowly make her way to the tree. She lift her hand and gently place it on the tree's bark. A soft glow appear in her hand. She steps back in fright. The light starts to spread. It starts to get so bright that she have to close her eyes.


The light is too bright for me to handle. I have to cover my eyes to shield them for the light. I know for sure that I'm not in the Upside Down, because the atmosphere is totally different.

I slowly remove my hand from my eyes. The light is gone. I slowly open my eyes. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Hello, Y/N..." someone said, making me jump and turn around. There's a woman standing there. "Um. Who are you? And how did you know my name?" I asked.

"I'm your mother..." she said. My eyes widened in shock at what she said. "Mother? As in... m-my b-biological mother?" I said. She smiles and nods her head. She spreads her arms, wanting a hug from me. I slowly walk towards her. I wrap my arms around her waist. She wraps hers around me. I can feel warmth spreading across my body.

"Where am I, mother?" I asked. "You're in The Soul Vale... it's where the dead comes" she said. My eyes widened at what she said. "The dead... am I really dead?" I said. She smiles and shakes her head. She place a hand on my shoulder.

"No... you're dead once you cross the bridge. This spot right here is where you make your final choice. If you cross the bridge, you'll passed on to the next life. If you choose to stay... you'll be able to return to the human world. But remember... if you choose to cross that bridge, there will be no going back. So choose wisely" she said. I look at her in confusion.

"Then why are you here, mother?" I asked. "I have been waiting for you..." she said. "So... you haven't crossed the bridge?" I asked. "No... I knew you'd be here soon. So I waited for you... I wanna see you. Before I passed on" she said. I frown at what she said.

"You're saying that as if..." I trailed of. She smiles and ticks a strand piece of hair behind my ear. "I know... that you'd choose to stay" she said. I open my mouth to say something. When suddenly I hear a soft crying.

"What's that sound?" I asked. Mom smiles at me. She gestures me to follow her. She leads me to a small lake. "There... have a look" she said. I just turn my head to look at the lake. An image appear on the lake's surface.

I can see a boy hugging a girl's limp body. As I look closer, I can see that it's me and Mike. I instantly remember what happened a while ago. I was dying in his arms. That's why I'm here.

I can see Mike's shaking body and his broken voice. Come back to me, Y/N... I need you. Please don't let me live in a world without you in it He said. Something fall onto the water, causing a small ripple to appear. I soon realize that it's my tears.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see my mom. "You wanna stay, right?" She said. I nod my head. "Yes... I still want to be with Mike and the others. They're like my family..." I said. "And with them is where you belong, Aryanna..." she said. She just called me by my birth name. The name she had given me. She gently pulls me into a hug.

"You've grown so well, my baby. I'm sorry I'm not with you..." she said, caressing my hair. I bury my face into the crook of her neck. I tighten my arms around her.

"I've always wanted to meet you, mama..." I said. "We will meet again when the time comes. But you should go back to the human world..." she said. I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head.

"I will always watch over you..." she said, pulling away from me. "I love you, mama... even though we've only met once" I said. "I love you too, darling. Even before you were born" she said. I give her another hug. I close my eyes.

Mike P.O.V

I keep holding onto Y/N's body. Even though my tears have stopped. My heart is still in pain. I just can't accept the fact that I've lost her... I've lost my Y/N.

"Y/N... please come back. I can't live without you, Y/N. You're my world. I need you, Y/N. Please don't let me live in a world without you in it" I said, burying my face into the crook of her neck. My body is still shaking, even though the tears have stopped flowing.

"Mike! Look..." someone said. I pull away from Y/N's body. I turn to see Lucas pointing at the sky. I turn my head and notice a small mist. It slowly lowers itself to Y/N, entering her mouth.

Y/N suddenly takes a sharp inhale. I lean down close to her face. "Y/N?" I said. Her eyes flutters a little. She slowly opens her eyes. She looks around, until her eyes landed on me.

"Mike" she said. She moves to sit up and I help her. "You're alive..." I said, pulling away from the hug. I lift my hands to cup her cheeks, but my hands are really shaky. I'm scared that if I touch her, she will disappear. She notice my hesitation and gently grab my hands, placing them on her cheeks.

"I'm alive, Mike... I'm still here..." she said. I choke out a sob as I pull her into a tight hug. She wraps her arms around me. My head is against her chest, right where her heart should be. I can hear beating sound. She's really alive! Thank you, God... thank you for bringing my love back to me.

*to be continued*

A/N: in a world of fiction is where people can come back to life. Or is that just my wild imagination? Either way... I hope you like that. Thank you so much for reading. I'll see you guys... next time! Love ya! Byee~

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