1. Mystery Boy

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sapnap pov:
"SAPNAP, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" his father yelled to him. "What did I do now" sapnap mumbled while exiting his room.

"You mind telling me what the FUCK this is!"
It was sapnaps report card. "I- uh. I'm sorry. I promise I'll do be-" before being cut off and being hit so hard he fell to the ground.

sapnap went to the bathroom to clean himself up. blood running from his cut cheek. He grabbed a blade from underneath the sink, and started slashing his arms until his his entire forearm was covered with blood.

quickly he cleaned himself up and bandaged his arms before heading out the door to school.

*time skip to lunch*

No one's POV

"Hey Sap! Bud, come sit with me!" Dream shouted. Dream has been Sapnap's best friend since primary school. Sapnap walked towards the group of boys sitting at the table. They all greeted him, Sapnap greeting them back.

They all talked and ate their lunch, except Sapnap. "Hey Sap, you okay?" Dream asked, noticing he hasn't ate anything. "Yeah i'm fine, just not really hungry" Sapnap responded. "Well if you need anything let me know" "Actually I think I'm gonna head to class now"

Sapnap POV:

walking towards class, Sapnap noticed someone, someone he hasn't seen before, was he new? He asked himself. He couldn't help but take a detour to class to see who this mystery guy was. Not realizing he was getting to close, the boy turned around and faced Sapnap. He was tall, he had fluffy dark brown hair, amazing blue eyes, and he was wearing a purple hoodie with a green swirl on the front.

"Hey!" The mystery guy said. "I- uh- Hi" Sapnap said blushing. Has he noticed Sapnap staring at him? Panic started to flood in sapnaps stomach. "I'm new here and I was wondering if you could show me to the science room" "uh- yeah. no problem, that's actually the way I'm going" Sapnap lied, just so he could walk the blue eyed boy to class.

"So what's your name? I'm sapnap" "I'm Karl, I just moved here from North Carolina" "You must hate the weather here." Sapnap chuckled. "It's not to bad"

*another time skip because I suck at this*

It was the end of the day, and Sapnap was heading out the school doors, when he heard a voice call his name. "Hey Sapnap, wait up!" Sapnap looked around to see Karl running towards him. "Oh, hey Karl" "Do you have any plans this evening?" Karl asked. "Uh, No?" "I heard abt this really cool fair, and I wanted to check it out, would you mind tagging along?" "Uh-" "Oh c'mon, it'll be fun, tickets on me!" Sapnap was hesitant at first, then remembered he would probably just get another beating when his dad got home from work anyways. "Sure, sounds fun" "awesome, meet me at 5 right here?" "See you then"

Sapnap started to walk towards his house, he seen that his father wasn't home from work yet, so he ran in to grab his skate board and wallet. Just as he grabbed his wallet from his night stand, he heard a voice coming from downstairs it was his father. "Sapnap! Get down here!" His father called. Panicking, Sapnap quickly threw his stuff out the window and used the 'escape', rope ladder he made last summer to climb down.

It was now 4:30 and Sapnap was waiting in front of the school for Karl. He got bored so he decided to skate around the parking lot for abit. He skated until he heard a familiar voice, it was Karl's. "Hey Sap! I didn't know you skate boarded to!" Karl shouted with excitement holding up his own board. Sapnap blushed at the fact he called him Sap. No one but Dream called him that, and he kinda liked it. "Hi Karl" Sapnap said happily. "Ready to go" "yeah let me just get my stuff" He ran to get his stuff from where he placed it on the ground.

Karl's POV:

The two boys were walking towards the doc where the fair was. And Karl noticed sapnaps arm was bleeding. "Hey, Sap, is your arm okay?" Karl noticed Sapnap got embarrassed, his cheeks turned red. "Oh, me I'm fine" "Are you sure? Your arm is bleeding" "shit" he heard Sapnap say while running towards the closest building with a rest room. Karl chased him.

"Sap, you okay in there?" Karl asked gently. Sapnap then came outta the bathroom with his hoodie sleeves soaking wet. "Do you wanna talk?" "No!" Sapnap said in a defensive way.
Sapnap then rushed out of the place and to an empty doc.
"Sap? You okay?" Karl asked again. "Yeah I'm fine." "Sapnap, I know your not fine, let's talk about it" "Look, I don't mean to be rude, but you don't even know me" Karl then felt bad. "Sorry." "Don't be sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" "No you're right, I was being to pushy" The two then both won't silent.

Half an hour has passed, and then Sapnap finally spoke up. "Please don't tell anyone what you seen tonight" "Sap, I would never" Sapnap sighed. "Sapnap, look, I know we just met, but you can trust me." "uh, thanks" he responded nervously. "Do you wanna go for something to eat?" Karl asked. "No, I'm good." "Are you sure? It's on me?" Sapnap feeling bad for wasting Karl's night agreed. The two then sat back down at the doc and talked for hours, until it was finally almost 10pm. They decided to call it a night and walked home.

As they were getting close to where they part ways. Sapnap spoke "Karl?" "Yeah?" "I'm sorry that I wasted your night." "You didn't waste it, im glad we got to know each other and talk" Karl responded with a half smile on his face. Sapnap then went it for a hug. "Uh- i- im so sorry, that was uncalled for and wierd, im sorry" "Don't worry about it, you're cool" Karl said. "Wait, before we part ways, can I maybe get your number?" Karl agreed and while at it he took pictures on sapnaps phone.

Stepping inside, hoping to not to wake his father, as it was now almost 11, and his father was passed out on the couch with beer bottles in his hand. Sapnap snuck upstairs and got ready for bed. Just as he was abt to turn his lamp off, he got a message.
Hey it's me Karl


It was fun hanging out tonight, let's do it again sometime.

Yeah, it was and that would be awesome!

Okay, good night Sapnap:)

Sapnap blushed at his phone. He then decided to check Twitter and he seen a funny post and wanted to reply with a meme in his camera roll. Seeing the pictures Karl took. He laughed because he didn't even realize Karl took pictures. He got this weird feeling in his tummy. Something he has never felt before. He thought it was just a stomach ache and decided to sleep on it.

Words- 1209
I'm new to this whole writing thing, and I did not proof read anything, so let's just ignore the errors.

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