5. Miami

241 5 7

⚠️tw abuse, & sh

It was 3am, Sapnap was still awake.
He couldn't help but think about what Dream had told him the night before.

He was hurt, and confused. Sapnap was happy when he was around Karl, why had Dream wanted to ruin that?

I don't think I'd ever be able to be as happy as I am, when I'm with Karl. No one else can make me feel this way.

I wanna call Dream, and just shout at him, but another part of me wants to forgive him. Why? I'm not sure..

He tried to forget about Dream. And focus on something more important, or someone. He started to think about Karl, and his feelings towards him.

"I think, I'm in love with him, and I want him to feel the same way." He said to himself aloud.

He decided to call Karl. It was 3am, but he didn't care. So he started dialing his number.
After the 3rd ring, he answered.
"It's 3am why are you calling? Is everything alright."
"I need to tell you something in person."
"Can it wait until tomorrow, it's raining out?"
"No, I can't wait any longer, I need to tell you now. Meet me at the park in 20 minutes."
"Uhh, okay."

Sapnap hung up the phone, and got dressed quickly. It was pouring out, but he didn't care, he had to see him.

After he was all ready, he snuck out his bedroom window, and started running towards the direction of the park.

10 minutes later.
He got to the park and shortly after, he seen Karl arriving. He was wearing a big heavy raincoat.

"So why did you call me out here out so late, it's freezing" Karl said with a tired tone.

Sapnap didn't say anything, instead he walked closer to Karl, to the point their faces were inches away.

"I- I think I'm in love with you Karl."

They stayed silent for a few seconds, until Karl said "duh, who wouldn't be in love with me?".

They both let out a laugh and Karl said "I'm in love with you to Sapnap." and pulled him for a kiss.

His lips were so soft.

"Your lips are so soft" Sapnap whispers to Karl.
Karl let out a small laugh. "Wanna get out of here?"

Sapnap agreed. They went back to Karl's house.
"We should probably get some sleep, we have school tomorrow."

They arrived back at Karl's place, and changed into dry clothes. Karl lent Sapnap some clothes to sleep in, and after getting dried off and changed, they jumped in Karl's bed and started to lay down.

5 minutes after they laid down. Sapnap turned to face Karl. "Are you awake?"
There was no response.
Sapnap just laid there for another 5 minutes admiring Karl's sleeping face.

He eventually fell asleep.

It was now 6am and Sapnaps phone started buzzing, it was the alarm he set up last night, basically reminding him to get home before his dad wakes up and finds he's gone.

He got out of bed and snuck out or Karl's house. It was nice out, it smelled like fresh rain, and the sun was shining, the traffic wasn't really awake yet, so he decided to walk in the middle of the road.

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