12. Ilysm

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Tw⚠️ Death, drugs and violence.

Karl's pov:
After Sapnap walked away, I couldn't help but, just wanna hold him, and tell him everything's gonna be alright.

What he did was wrong though, I would have never done that to him.

"Alright Karl, I'm gonna head out now, see you, and we should totally do this again sometime."
Quackity said.

"Alright, see you later man." Karl said waving.

When Quackity left, he broke down.

"Why? Why did he have to do this to me. I've been nothing but helpful and loving to him." Karl said crying.

He sat there crying for about half hour. He then finally got up and decided to text George.

Hey George, can we talk?

George's pov:

"Karl just texted me." He said to Sapnap, who was curled up in George's bed.

"He said he wants to talk to me."

"You should talk to him then." Sapnap said.

"Are you sure?" George asked

Sapnap nodded.

George left the room so he can call Karl.

Karl's pov:

George had read the message a few minutes ago, but didn't say anything. Maybe he's with Sapnap, maybe that's the friend Sapnap was talking about earlier.

He was about to turn his phone off, when he got a call.

It was George.

"Hi Karl"
"What did you want to talk about?" George asked.
"I'm not sure if you know, but Sapnap and I broke up."
"Yeah, he told me, but why? You guys seemed like you had no problems."
"He cheated on me. With Dream, of all people."
George asked sounding mad.
"Why do you sound so surprised? I thought Sapnap told you?"
"Karl, can I call you back?"
"Uh, okay." Was all Karl could say before George ended the call.

George's pov:
"I- I'm sorry." Was all Sapnap said.
"You knew I liked him, for many years Sapnap!" George yelled, with tears in his eyes.
"George. I didn't mean to. I don't remember anything from last night. You have to believe me."
"Get out."
"George, I-"
"Sapnap, I said get the fuck out."
Sapnap got his stuff, and before he left, he said
"You know what George, Dream will never like you back, he tells me everything, he knows you like him, and he said he doesn't feel the same about you. You would know that if you were so fucking blind. You can go fuck your self."

George was shocked at what Sapnap said. So he retaliated by punching Sapnap in the, already bruised eye.

Sapnap's pov:

George hit him, but he deserved it.
He quickly got up from the hit, and left.
He had no where to go now, he couldn't go home, he couldn't go to Karl's, and Punz wasn't an option, they're not close enough, he didn't wanna drag Tina into all this, the only place he could go, was Dreams.

And so he did, dreading what he was gonna say, he noticed something wet lookinh from his eye, it wasn't tears, it was blood.

"Great. Just great." Sapnap said now starting to cry.

He grabbed his phone out and dialed Dream.
Dream picked up almost immediately.
"Sapnap? Where are you? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for lastnight to happen, please forgive me."
"I don't know what to do anymore." He said, crying.
"What do you mean, where are you?" Dream asked.
"I was gonna come over. Because I have no where else to go, I have a bruised up body and a swollen face, with I think is a bleeding eye. I don't wanna live like this anymore Dream. I just wanna die."

"Sapnap, don't talk like that, where are you by, I'll come get you."
"Can you please tell Karl I'm sorry."
"Sapnap, no, tell him yourself. Where are you? I can come for you. Please."
"It's to late." Sapnap said as he walked towards the direction of the docs.

"Sap? Please don't do whatever you're about to do." Dream said crying.

Sapnap ended the call.

He arrived at the docs, and then he walked along the sand, and went to the furthest side of the beach, where it was isolated, where nobody went.

He grabbed out his pills, and started taking them one by one.

Sapnap said looking to the sky.
"Why did you leave me. Why did you leave me alone with him. Why couldn't you just take me and run away?"

He felt stupid talking to the sky, but he still continued anyways.

"I wanna be with you again."
"I'm gonna be with you again."
He said starting to feel dizzy.

"I know I'm selfish, I know I was never good enough for anyone. But I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of living. The one good thing I had is gone. He's never gonna forgive me mom."

"I wanna be happy, I don't wanna be alone anymore. I wanna be with you again. And the only way to achieve that, is to just end it all, no more pain, no more suffering, no more heartbreak. Everything will be over."

Before I do, I want Karl to hear me out. Before it's to late.
He thought to himself.

He had taken all the pills. Now just waiting to overdose. He dialled Karl's number.

Surprisingly he answered.

"What do you want?"
"Karl are you there."
"Sapnap, are you crying?"
"Karl I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do what I did, I'm telling the truth, I don't remember anything from last night. But that's not why I'm calling."
"Why are you calling then?"
"I wanted to say goodbye. I would have done it in person, but knowing you, no matter how mad you are at me, you wouldn't let me do it." Sapnap said with a fake laugh.

"Sapnap, what do you mean?" Karl said with a worried voice.
"Goodbye cutie. I love you so much."
He then hung up.

He felt dizzy again, but this time, it was a good feeling, he could feel a nice breeze amongst his face. He felt like he was floating. And then it happened.

Words: 1018
I teared up writing this chapter.
I'm sorry, but this was my plan for Sapnap all along in this story. But the story doesn't end here.

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