2. Late Night Football

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TW⚠️ Alcohol, SH, Suicidal thoughts.
Next morning

"SAPNAP, COME HERE" Sapnap groans, getting ready for a whatever was about to come.

"You think you can just leave and come back whenever you please?!" His father yelled. "I- uh- didn't think you'd care" a hit to the face.

"Don't talk to me boy, clean up this house before you leave again" "B- I'll be late for school.." "You're so useless! Get out, I don't wanna see you back here!"

Sapnap hurried to grab his things and left out the door. "I'd be better off dead, no one would even miss me." Sapnap mumbled to himself.

*lunch time*

Thoughts running through his mind, until suddenly he heard a voice, it was Karl's.

"Hey sap!" Karl said enthusiastically. "Oh- uh, hey Karl" "is everything alright dude?" "Yeah" he responded trying not to face the blue eyed boy.

"So, you should introduce me to your friends!" "Okay, sure."

They walked towards to the table where dream was sitting.

"Hey guys, uh- this is Karl" Sapnap said blushing.

"Oh hey sap, Karl."
"I'm dream, and this is George, & Punz." "Nice to meet you!" Karl says nervously.

"Can we sit?" Sapnap asks. "Of course, the more the merrier!" George shouted.

The boys then started talking about random things until Dream noticed Sapnap wasn't talking. "Hey sap, you alright bud?" "Yeah, I'm fine, just really not that hungry I guess." Dream nodded.

"So do you maybe wanna come to a party with me tonight?" "Party?" Sapnap asks confused. "Yeah, George's parents are out of town this weekend and he's throwing a huge party. "Ofc you don't have to if you don't want." "No, I'll be there.. can Karl come?" "Ofc he can!" Dream said loudly while looking at Karl.

It was now 5pm, Sapnap was just hanging out at the skate park. Suddenly he gets a text.

Hey sap, I'll pick you up in 5, be ready!

The text was from Dream.
Okay, I'm actually at the skatepark rn

Ok I'm On my way!
omw* damn autocorrect

Sapnap laughs to himself. I should text Karl.

Hey Karl
Are you coming to the party?

Actually I'm not feeling to well, I think I'm gonna stay in tonight :(
Sapnap frowned reading the text

Okay np. Hope you feel better:)

Karl's pov:
Feeling bad that he just lied to sapnap, I'm not really sick. I just don't do big crowds and parties.

No one's pov:
They boys arrived to the party. It was already crowded with drunk teenagers.

"Who knows Sap, maybe you'll find a girl tonight" Punz said grinning.
Sapnap blushing but not saying anything.

It was a few hours later and the party was still crowded, and it was now 9pm, it was getting dark out.

"Sap! Come here" Dream shouted sitting with a group of girls. Sapnap walks over to them.
"Uh, hi" he says nervously. "Whose this cutie" one of the girls asks while looking at Sapnap.

They all began to talk and soon they pressured Sapnap into taking a shot. It was supposed to be one, but then it turned into a dozen.

Sapnaps pov:
Now feeling lightheaded, he decided to go outside for fresh air. Stepping outside, it felt like he'd just stepped on cloud 9, the cool air brushing against his face.

He decided to walk to the football field stealing a bottle of vodka before leaving.

Sitting on the bleachers crying, all alone, drunk, he decided to call Karl.

Karl's pov:
It was 2am and he was getting a call.
Picking up the phone confused. "Hello" Karl said in a tired voice. He heard loud breathing on the other end.
"Hello cutie" Sapnap said laughing. "That's what she said to me, not knowing all the fucked up problems in my messy sad miserable life"
"Sap? You're drunk. Where are you?"
Sapnap went on, crying, and venting to Karl. "Sap, where are you? I'll come get you" "Why do you care. You're like the rest, you just see a sad fucked up teenager with major daddy issues."

Silent for a minute.
"Sap? I don't think that way of you. I would never. So please just tell me where you are and I'll come get you"
Sapnap now crying, set his phone down, and smashed the glass bottle of vodka.

Karl heard the sounds of the smash, "Sapnap, Where are you?!?" Karl said starting to tear up. "Well if you really wanna know cutie, I'm at the football field cheering everyone on" Sapnap said crying-laughing.

Sapnaps pov:
The phone hung up, due to his phone dying.
"No one will miss you. Just do it, cut yourself some more, it feels good. It takes the pain away" he said to himself.

He then grabbed a piece of glass, from the smashed bottle and started to cut his arms, leaving a stinging sensation, due to the glass shards being covered with alcohol.

A few minutes later, Karl finds him, covered in blood laying in the middle of the field staring into the sky.
"Sapnap! Are you okay?! We gotta get u to a hospital!" "No, no hospital." Sapnap said feeling lightheaded. "Yes, you lost a lot of blood!" "I'm fine, nothing that I'm not used to, just take me somewhere to get cleaned up" "I'm taking you to my house, it's closer and my moms a nurse so she has plenty of medical supplies."

They arrive at Karl's house. Sapnap barely being able to walk. "Nice house cutie" Sapnap says.
"Let's get you cleaned up, you can spend the night and u can take my room"

After Sapnap was all cleaned up, Karl laid him down.
"Uh- yeah?" Karl asks nervously,
"Why what?"
"Why did u save me? Why didn't you just leave me like everyone else?"
"Sap, don't talk like that. I'm sure anyone else you called would have been there in a heartbeat as well."
"No, only you." Sapnap said while Karl was about leave the room.
"Can you wait? Just until I fall asleep"
"Ofc." Karl said shaking.

Karl's pov:
An hour later, Karl was still sitting there, watching him. "I should probably get some sleep" he whispered to himself.
"Yes you should, why are you still awake Karl? It's 3:30 in the morning, you should be asleep" he heard a voice coming from the doorway of his bedroom door.
"I was just, not sleepy, that's all." He answered trying not to sound suspicious. "Whose in your bed?" "It's just a friend from school. He came over and we played video games and I told him he can stay the night."
"Okay, well get some rest, you can sleep in the guest room." His mom said while leaving the room.

He didn't want to leave Sapnap alone. He crawled into bed with Sapnap. Facing the other direction.

Several hours later, it was 7am, still no sleep. He heard Sapnap snoring, he couldn't help but laugh to himself.

Now facing Sapnap, he stared into his closed eyes. Admiring his face. Why did he feel like this? With a boy. He knew it was wrong. He shouldn't have felt like this. Besides Sapnap was straight. Obviously.

Sapnap then woke up. Stretching. Sitting up. Karl pretending to sleep. "Karl, I know you're awake." "How?" Karl asked blushing.

"I'm sorry, for lastnight.." Sapnap started apologizing. "Don't be, I'm glad you trusted me enough to call. I'll be here for you, always." Karl responded.

Words- 1229

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