11. This is Where Things Got Messy

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Tw: sh, abuse, & mention of alcohol⚠️

It was the next morning.
And sapnap was in Dreams bed, they were cuddling.
He hadn't remembered a thing that happened the night before. The last thing he remembered was him and Dream sitting with some strangers on the beach drinking,

He was about to get up, be he noticed, they were both shirtless.

He got up in a rush, and found his things and put them on.

He grabbed his phone, and there was alot of messages from George and Karl.

He answered Karl quickly.


Hey, sorry, I camped at Dreams, hope you're not mad.

Almost immediately Karl answered,

Wtf sapnap?

Sapnap was confused.


You cheated on me.

What are you talking about Karl?

Don't give me that

Karl, I'm serious, what are you talking about?

What did you and Dream do last night?

I can't remember, the last think I remember is me and Dream sitting with a group of teens and we were having fun and we had a few beers.

So you sticking your tongue down Dreams throat doesn't ring a bell?

Karl what the fuck are you talking about

Look at your Instagram story.

Sapnap looked at his Instagram story, and there it was, a bunch of videos from last night.

Karl was right, he did kiss Dream.
Almost immediately after seeing that, he grabbed his things and ran all the way to Karl's house.

He knocked, and Karl answered, he was a wreck, his eyes were puffy and red, from crying.

"What do you want Sapnap."
"I- I can explain, just let me in, please."

Sapnap noticed someone else's shoes.
"Whose shoes are those?"
"None of your business." Karl said sounding defensive.

Suddenly Quackity came to the door, "Who is this Karl?"

"No one, he's my ex." Was all Karl said before shutting the door.

Sapnap felt hurt by those words, he didn't know how to react. The only thing he knew what to do, to cope with pain, was a blade or alcohol.

And that's what he did, he went home. The house was empty.

He went upstairs to his room, to find it was trashed. Those kids made this room look disgusting.

He changed the sheets to his bed, and ran a hot shower, he couldn't help but just cry as the steaming water hit him.

Do it. You have no body now, no one will miss you.
Is all he was thinking right now.

So he grabbed the blade from his hiding spot and sat back down in the shower, slowly, he scraped the blade across his skin, to the point, the bathtub was filled with blood mixed water.

The hot water against his stinging cuts, hurt so bad, but pain was all he wanted to feel right now.

He stayed in the same position for about 20 minutes, until he heard the front door open, he quickly turned the water off and bandaged himself up.

He then got dressed and went to his room.
He lied there, on his bed, thinking about what could have happened the night before. He couldn't remember any of it.

Suddenly he heard his father yelling.

He got up and headed downstairs, wearing a hoodie to cover the bandages.

"Clean this place up, it's a mess, it better be clean by the time I get back or I will give you a beating you won't forget boy!"

"HUH? You talking back now."

He then felt a slap across the face.

"Look at you, standing there like a little bitch, you're just like your mother, I'm glad she's dead."

Sapnap couldn't help it anymore. He grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it on the table, making it a weapon.

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT AGAIN, OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Sapnap yelled, holding the piece of glass to his fathers neck.

His father didn't say anything, Sapnap dropped the piece of glass, and then he felt a hit he would never forget.

He was knocked out.

He woke up a few hours later, and his face hurt, his eye was swollen and he was bruised up all over.

Not knowing what to do. He called George.

It rung a few times.
George finally answered.
I need a place to stay, do you think I can stay with you?
Sapnap said, he sounded desperate, and like he had just gotten his mouth frozen at the dentist.
Uhh, yeah sure, I mean, my parents are out of town for the week but I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
Sapnap then hung up the phone.

He packed a bag and tried to clean himself up, he grabbed his blade, & pills. And he stuffed them in his bag. He was about to walk out the door, but then he looked at himself on the mirror. Half of his face was swollen, he didn't wanna go around looking like he has just got plastic surgery, so he grabbed some sun glasses, and put them on.

He walked out of the house, going to George's, and to get to George's, he had to go by Karl's house, he could take a detour but that would be much longer, and he just wanted to get there already.

As he was approaching Karl's house, he seen He and Quackity were standing outside, with appears to be a cigarette.

Karl didn't smoke. Or atleast he didn't.

He heard them talking.

"Is that your ex?"
"I don't think so, if it is, it's creepy that he's stalking me." Karl said loud enough for Sapnap to hear.
"I'll go find out why he's stalking you." Quackity said before running to confront Sapnap.

Fuck he's coming my way.
"Hey, you. Why are you stalking my friend, he broke up with you." The voice from the strange guy yelled.

Sapnap just continued walking, but then Quackity grabbed his shoulder turning him around, in defence, Sapnap quickly turned around grabbed Quackity and threw him to the ground.

Sapnaps glasses fell off.
And Quackity seen his face.

"Holy crap man, what happened to you."
Karl came running to help Quackity.
"He probably just picked a fight with the wrong guy." Karl said helping Quackity up.

Sapnap grabbed his glasses, he didn't even face Karl, and he then started walking away.

"He can't even look at me!" Karl shouted at Sapnap.

"Because he knows what he did was wrong." He added a few seconds after.

Sapnap turned to face Karl, "Look, I don't wanna fight with you. I just wanna get to my friends house."

"Why are you bruised up!" Karl asked.

"I went home."
Is all Sapnap said before turning around and continued walking to George's house.

words: 1128
im working in chapter 12 as I write this.
i hope you guys are enjoying the story, and if you are, please vote it!! <3

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