4. Pier

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It was the next morning.
Karl was awake. Admiring sapnap sleeping face, "he looks like he's a peace" Karl muttered to himself. "Do I?" Sapnap said waking up.

Karl's pov:
Shit he heard me. Karl's face now turning red.
"You look a tomato" sapnap said jokingly.

Karl blushed. "So, how did you sleep?"
"I slept better because it was with you" Sapnap said, making Karl blush again.

"You're a flirt." Karl said laughing. "Am I?" Sapnap said now leaning in to wrap his arms around Karl.

Karl enjoyed when sapnap hugged him. It made him feel safe. "So, how are you feeling after last night?" Karl asked with a genuine tone.

Sapnaps pov:
"I have a massive headache."
"It's probably the hangover. You were pretty wasted last night." Karl said.
"Was I?" I replied jokingly.

It went silent for a minute.
"Sap?" Karl asked.
"Yeah Karl?"
"I need to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"I- I think I like you."
"Well duh, everybody lik-"
"No, I mean, I like, like you. More than just friends.."

Silence filled the room again.
Why did he say that. It's just gonna make it harder when I leave..
"Sap? Did I say something wrong?"
"No, of course not. I like you to Karl, more than friends." He said trying not to make eye contact.

Fast forward to evening.
They stayed at Karl's all day, playing video games and watching movies. And I get a text from Dream.
Hey sap! How are you feeling?

Hi dream. And I'm good. Thanks for checking up on me:)

Ofc bud, I'll always check up on you<3
Anyways, do you maybe wanna come over tonight? We can just chill. Just the two of us, like old times? I miss you sap:)

That would mean I have to leave Karl, and I didn't want to. But I haven't hung out with Dream one on one in a long time. So maybe it would be fun.

Yeah, ofc. I'll come in a bit

Alright, see you then.

"So, Dream wants to me to go over." "Oh alright, do you want me to come?" Karl asks. "He actually wanted it to just be us. Said we haven't had one on one hangouts in a while. But I can ask if you want?!" "Oh, no, it's fine. I get you all to myself most of the time anyways."

Sapnap now walking to Dreams.
It looked peaceful. The sky was filled with pretty shades of orange, pink and red.

No one's pov:
He arrived at Dreams house. And Dream greeted him with a hug. "Hey sap, come on in"
Dreams house was big, he basically lived in a mansion.

The two spent the whole night playing video games and watching movies. Eventually they got tired. "I'm gonna head to bed now." Dream said. "Me to." Sapnap replied.

It was an hour later and Sapnap was still awake. He looked over and Dream was sleeping. Until he noticed Dreams phone was going off.

He got up looked at the phone, it was Instagram notifications. But it wasn't notifications from his Instagram account, it was from some fake account.

He unlocked dreams phone, because he knew the password. He clicked on the account. And it was an anonymous account.

"Why does Dream have an anonymous account." He mumbled to himself. He then went to the feed, and it was only Karl's posts. Was Karl the only account he'd been following?

Sapnap clicked on the messages and seen the message that Karl described to him.
What the fuck, he thought to himself.

I'll confront him about it tomorrow. He thought to himself, he was confused.
Trying not to think about it, he went to sleep.

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