9. Selfish or Selfess?

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"Karl?! Where are you? We've been worried sick."
He suddenly got cut off.
"KARL! I didn't mean what I said, please come back." Sapnap said crying.

Karl hated hearing him cry, he then felt selfish.
"I-" was all Karl could say.
"Where are you, I'll come get you. We can talk."
Karl agreed and hung up.

20 minutes later

Sapnap pulled up to where Karl was waiting.
He got in the car, and they drove somewhere they can park, and talk.

"Karl. I- I'm sorry."
"It's okay Sapnap. I overreacted."
Karl said brushing Sapnaps tears away from his cheeks.
"No, it's not okay. I shouldn't have said that. I made it up, I was just mad and wanted to make you hurt. It was wrong, and I'm so sorry, please don't leave me."
"Sap, slow down. I would never leave you. No matter what happens." Karl said with a partial smile.
"I need you. I know it's selfish of me to say, but I need you."
"Sapnap, stop. You're nothing near selfish, you're the most selfless person I've ever met. And as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you."
They hugged, and just sat in the vehicle and talked for about an hour, when Sapnap got a text, it was from Dream.

Are you okay? Did he hurt you?
Sapnap showed Karl the message.
"Dream does not like me." Karl said laughing.
"But that's okay, because I like you." Sapnap said smiling.

"You okay to go back now?" Sapnap asked.
"I think I'm actually gonna go home, I can tell Dream doesn't like me, and if Dream doesn't, the others won't either." Karl said trying to hide his frown.
"I'll come with you." Sapnap said.
"No, I don't want you to miss out on fun because of me."
"No, it's okay, I wouldn't have any fun without you there anyways."

Eventually Karl agreed.
"I'll ask Tina to come get us." And so Sapnap called her and she agreed.

They got back to the house, and Sapnap wanted to go in and get his things. Karl waited outside.
Suddenly the door opened.
"That was quick." Karl said turning towards the door.
It wasn't Sapnap, it was Dream.
"Oh, I- uh, thought you were Sapnap, sorry." Karl said facing away.
"Karl?" Dream asked.
Almost immediately Karl responded with "yeah?"

"I'm sorry, I should've minded my own business and let you handle it. It's just... Sapnap's my best friend, and I don't wanna see him get hurt & you raging on him like that, hurts him, so next time please be aware of that."

Karl couldn't believe what Dream had just said.
"Yeah, you should have minded your own business."

Karl didn't mean to say it aloud, but he did.
"I-" Karl cut him off.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean that." Karl said.

Sapnap then came outside and asked what they were talking about.
Neither, Karl or Dream answered.

"Uh, okay then." Sapnap said walking towards Karl.
"Tina texted, she'll be here in 5."

5 minutes later Tina pulled up, and the two boys got in the car.

"So what were you guys doing here in Miami? Don't you guys live in Orlando?" Tina asked.
"Yeah, but we just came for the weekend, but it was a fail." Sapnap responded.
"Well, since we're in Miami, do you two wanna do something fun?"
Karl and Sapnap looked at each other.
"I mean, sure." Karl said.
"Okay Great, there's a fair, we should go!"

They all agreed and wasted the day away at the fair.

words: 596

sorry this chapter is extremely short. the next one will be a good one and a long one.
also tysm for 100 reads! hagd or night<3

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