13. Is it My Fault?

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Karl's pov:
"He's gone."
"Whose gone?"
George asked through the phone.
"He's gone George." Karl said crying.
"Karl, what are you talking about?"
"I should have believed him. He said he didn't remember anything from the night before. But I didn't believe him. I practically slammed the door in his face. It's all my fault George."
"Karl, what the fuck are you talking about." George said, crying as well.
"Sapnap. He's gone. He left me George."

George's pov:

Taking in what Karl just said, he hung up the phone. He threw his phone to the ground, shattering it. And screamed.

He got his things, and immediately ran towards Dreams house.
As he was running, just right before the turn off to the docs, he seen Dream in his Car, he was speeding and looked as if he was crying.

Dream stopped beside him. And George immediately jumped in passenger.
"Have you seen him George?"
"No, but.. He's gone Dream."
"No he's not, he was bluffing, we still have time to find him."

George immediately wrapped his arms around Dream, "I'm sorry Dream."
"George, stop talking like that, I know him, he wouldn't do something like that, he promised me last night."
Dream didn't say anything. He started up the car again
And began driving around.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Dream shouted.
"Did you check the docs? He always goes there." I suggested to him.

They drove to the docs, jumping out of the car.

Dreams pov:

"You check the docs, I'll check the beach."
He instructed to George.

Dream was running along the beach shouting Sapnap's name, after 10 minutes of running, he seen someone, was that Karl?

The person looked at him. It was Karl, but he was holding someone, it looked like Sapnap.

"Oh my god, you're okay Sapnap!" Dream said now crying happy tears.

He walked up to the two, and Karl was crying.

"Karl, why are you crying?"

"He's gone. I got here to late."

"What? No he isn't. Karl, don't lie to me."

"He's gone Dream. And it's all my fault."

Dream immediately fell beside Karl and hugged him.

"It's not your fault." He said rubbing Karl's back.

time skip:
(don't give this a cringe name-_-)

Karl's pov

It was the day of Prom, and Karl hasn't left his room since the death happened. He didn't know how to cope. He was hurt, he felt betrayed, why would Sapnap leave him? He promised he wouldn't.

No matter what, they made a promise to never leave each other, and he broke that promise.

I can't be mad at him though, it's mostly my fault, if I had just heard him out. He wouldn't have done this.

Karl couldn't get those thoughts out of his head. He was getting a call, it was Dream.
Dream hadn't talked to anyone since then either, it's only been a couple days, but still.

"Karl, can we talk?"
"Uh sure."
"I'll be outside in 10 minutes, we can go for a drive and talk."

Words: 508
Sorry this is such a short chapter, next one will be longer and maybe worth it.

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