3. Wrong

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Tw⚠️ homophobia, mention of abuse & sh.

It's been a couple weeks since the whole incident, and Karl and Sapnap have hung out almost every night since.

Sapnaps pov:
It was 1am, I haven't slept yet, I couldn't. I couldn't get the thought of Karl's blue sparkling eyes, or his fluffy brown hair. Or his gorgeous painted nails, outta my thoughts.

Why do I feel this way about him, I know I shouldn't, I know it's wrong. I know I would lose everyone. But if having these feelings about Karl was wrong, I didn't wanna ever be right.

Karl's pov:
It was 1:30am and I heard my phone vibrate. It was a snap from Sapnap.
It was a picture of him in bed with his eyes closed and flash on. I couldn't help but smile.
So I sent him one back with the same pose.
I miss your face already sap:]
I sent a chat to him.
I miss yours to Karl<3
Making me blush.

I then shut my phone off and started staring at the ceiling, not being able to fall back asleep.
I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm around Sapnap, even just the thought of him makes me blush.

Suddenly he gets a message from ' Anonymous' on Instagram.
Sapnap is seeing someone else, leave him alone f**.
It read.

Tears forming in Karl's eyes. What? Sapnap was seeing someone else? Not caring abt the fact that some troll called him a slur, all he could think about was how Sapnap had been stringing him along these past couple weeks.

Was he stringing me along? Or was I just being delusional. What if Sapnap didn't even feel that way about me. What if I was just stringing myself along..

Sapnaps pov:
It was the next morning, getting up for school, Sapnap groaned. I don't wanna face my father, knowing he would scold me for something, or even worse.

I'll just sneak out the window. Sapnap then starts to get dressed and sneaks to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up.

He sneaks out the window with his bag and skateboard trying not to make a loud sound as he hit the ground. "Ow. I should've used the rope ladder" sapnap said groaning holding his tummy.

He was halfways to school. When suddenly he gets this urge to drink. It was a Friday morning. And he was thinking about getting wasted? What was the matter with me. He thought to himself.

It was 2nd period. And i noticed Karl wasn't at school today, I hope he's alright. Thoughts clouding my head. I couldn't help but think it's my fault he didn't come. Did I say or do something wrong when we talked last night?

Maybe it was the snap. I shouldn't have woke him up. Feeling guilty he decided to text Karl.
Hey Karl. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything last night. I'm sorry I woke you up. When you see this, shoot me a text:)

A couple minutes later he seen Karl was typing, but he stopped. He left him on read. What did I do? I knew I shouldn't have bothered him when he was trying to sleep. Sapnap started overthinking and procrastinating.

He then decided to ditch school and go to Karl's house. He was walking up the steps to his door. He then knocked, no answer.

He decided to call Karl. No answer, he then sent another message.
Hey Karl, I'm outside your house, can we talk?
*read 10:56am*

He's left me on read. Now knocking hard, "Karl? Are you in there? Just come outside, I wanna talk to you" he said with worry and frustration in his voice.

I don't wanna talk

He read Karl's message aloud. What did I do? He thought to himself. Now heading to direction of his own house, he knew his dad wasn't home, he had work that day.

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