6. Prom?

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He got out of bed.
He checked the time again, it was now 5:20am.
"I should get ready and go for a walk or something, before my dad gets up."

He then got dressed and got his things for school. I wonder if Karl's awake.
Probably not.

He headed out the door. It was sunny again, like the day before. There was no sound, except for birds chirping, and the sound of the neighbours sprinklers.

He decided to go sit at the docs for abit, it wasn't to far from where he lived.

"Ow, my stomach is starting to hurt more." He said quietly to himself. I should've took some painkillers before I left.

He arrived at the docs and just sat there, doing nothing except staring into the water.

It was nice, & calming, forgetting about his pains for moment, he took in the view, the smell and the sounds. It was nice, he hasn't been able to do this for a long time.

He checks the time, and it was already 6:30.
"I should call Karl, maybe he'll be up to." He said, talking to himself.

He started dialling Karl's number on his phone, then suddenly he heard a voice.

"Hey there!" A girls voice said to him.
He looked behind him, and he remembered her, it was Tina, the one who gave him a ride home when he was drunk.

"Oh, uh. Hey." Sapnap replied.
"What are you doing here so early?"
"Uh, i don't know, I just came to think for awhile."
"It's nice isn't it?"
Confused he gave her a questioning look.
"The sunrise, the sounds of the ocean water splashing against the boats, the sounds of the seagulls. It's nice out here in the early morning."
"Oh, yeah, right."

She laughed. "Sapnap right?"
"Yeah. And you're Tina?"
"Yeah." She said smiling.
"So, wanna grab a coffee?"
"Oh c'mon, my treat." She said pressuring Sapnap.
"Sure, why not. Can never say no to free drinks." He said smiling.

They walked to the coffee shop beside the docs.
It now being 7am. He knew he should get to school soon.

"I gotta go now." Sapnap said.
"Oh, okay. Well it was nice seeing you again, maybe we can do this again some other time." Tina replied.
"Yeah, I'd like that." He said smiling.
"Wait before you go, here's my number!" Tina said passing a sticky note.
Sapnap smiled and took the note.
"If you ever wanna hang, or talk. Feel free to shoot me a text."
Sapnap nodded and headed out the shop waving bye.

He then got a text from Karl, it read
Good morning sap, Meet up?

Sapnap replied.

Karl's pov:
Yawning, he got out to bed.
"I should get ready." He mumbles to himself. So he gets ready and heads downstairs.

"Hey mom." He says entering the kitchen.
"Hi Karl." She says with a smile on her face.
"I'll be home late this evening, I have a surgery to preform and I'm on a night shift again." She says to him.

Karl nods, and goes to grab his skateboard. I wonder if Sapnap is gonna take his, maybe we can go to the skatepark after school. He thought to himself.

He decided to call him.
"Hey sap, I'm just calling to tell you, that I'm leaving now & I was wondering if you'd wanna hang out after school?"
"Alright see you in a bit"

He hung up.

They met up, "how are you feeling this morning?" Karl asks.
"Uh, i'm feeling alright."
Karl noticed Sapnap was holding his stomach. "Are you sure? You're sort of limping right now."
"It's nothing, just a bruise. Nothing I hadn't dealt with many times before."
"Oh no. Sap. Who did this to you." Pulling up his shirt.

He seen that Sapnap got embarrassed. "Sap, talk to me." "It's nothing, really. Let's just get to school." Sapnap snapped back. "Let's just go, please?" Karl nodded and they started heading to school.

They then arrived at school, and they go their separate ways to class.

*Time skip to lunch*

No one's pov:
Sapnap went to sit with Punz. "Where's Karl?" He asked Punz.
"I thought he'd be with you." "Have you seen Dream, George or Wilbur?" Punz asked.
"No. I wonder where they could be."

Punz noticed Sapnap holding his stomach, he then lifted up Sapnaps shirt.
"Yo, what the fuck happened?" Punz asked in a serious tone.

Sapnap seen the other boys walking over, and Karl was holding a sign, looking over at the other 3, they also were holding signs.
The signs they were holding read out 'prom'
Confused, he looked at them.
Then Punz pulls a sign out of his bag. It was a question mark.
"Will you go to prom with me?" Karl asked.
Sapnap standing up. "Uh, I don't know what to say."

"Just answer the question" Punz said smiling.
Sapnap looked at Karl, he had a huge smile on his face.

Suddenly Sapnap had this feeling, like he was gonna throw up. He raced to the bathroom. Kicking open a stall door. He threw up.

Karl and George came rushing in.
"Are you okay?!" George asked running to Sapnap.
"Yeah, I think it was just something I might've ate."

Karl helped him up. "Look, you don't have to answer now, or at all. I'm sorry if it freaked you out."
"No, no, it's not that I don't want to go with you. I'd love to."
"But what?" Karl asked
"I- I can't."

The 3 of them went silent.
"It's okay Sapnap, you don't have to be ashamed, we all support and love you. No matter who you love." George says.
"It's not that." Sapnap snapped back.
"What is it?" Karl asked.
"I can't go to prom, because I can't afford it." He then looked to ground, feeling ashamed.
"Sap, you don't even have to worry about that, I'm sure we can all help out."
"No, that's just it Karl! You guys are treating me like I'm some, broken, charity case."
"That's not true! We don't think you're broken" George adds on.

Karl hugged Sapnap. "None of us think that way of you Sap"
"Well I can't help but feel like you do." Sapnap said, now crying.
"Hey, do you wanna get outta here? We can go to my place." George says trying to comfort Sapnap.
"No, no. It's fine. Besides. I have a science test, and I'm already behind on the math one. So I need to stay."
"Are you sure?" Karl asked, still hugging him.
"Yeah, Im sure." Sapnap said turning away from Karl.
"I should get cleaned up, before the bell rings."
"Alright, but if you need anything or wanna ditch, just call me." George says heading to the door.
Sapnap nodded.

It was just him and Karl in the bathroom now.
"So, will you go to prom with me." Karl asked in a comforting voice.
Sapnap laughed. "I would be honoured."

They hugged again and the bell rang.
"Well that's my queue." Karl said laughing. "See you after." Karl said walking out.
"Yeah, see you." Sapnap said quietly.

He looked in the mirror.
"Why do you have to be so messed up." He said looking in the mirror..

*another time skip. Ik I suck😭*

Karl's pov:
It was after school, and I was waiting for Sapnap by the doors. I didn't see him anywhere. I decided to call him, he didn't answer.

Started to get worried he sent him a few texts.
Hey, wry? I'm waiting by the doors for you.
Sapnap answer me.
I'm waiting..
Sapnap you're starting to make me worried.

10 minutes passed, he was still waiting for Sapnap.
Suddenly he got a call, it was an unknown number.
"Hello?" Karl asked.
"Is this Karl?" The voice on the phone said, sounding worried.
"Yes. Who is this?"
"I''m a friend of Sapnaps, but somethings wrong."

words- 1326
this chapter is abit shorter. and sorry for the cliffhanger.

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