New Bookshelves ✅

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"I have a surprise for you." Taylor said.

"What is it?" You asked.

"I know you love reading so much and have so many books on your one bookshelf it's overflowing and the shelves are bending from the weight that I'm getting you just not one new bookshelf but three new ones." Taylor said.

"Are you serious?" You asked shocked.

"Yes! I already ordered them online and they are arriving today." Taylor said.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited! I was going to order some the other day because the piles of books on my floor are starting to get quite tall." You said.

Taylor laughed, "Your room is starting to look like a maze of books."

Later that day the doorbell rang Mike Taylor's security guard put the huge box inside.

"This just arrived." He said.

"Can you help us carry that into Y/N's room?" Taylor asked him.

"Sure." Mike said.

Once the box was in your room with some struggle carrying up the stairs, Taylor cut the box open.

"Here are the instructions." Taylor said handing them to you.

Two hours later both of the bookshelves were put together and up against your wall.

"They look so much better. Thank you Taylor." You said.

"You're welcome. And once those are full I'll just order you another bookshelf. There is even room for one more in here." Taylor said.

You laughed, "Then it will be my own little library."

"You should order more books then." Taylor said.


Author's Note

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