⚠️ Sea sick ✅

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You and Taylor have been planning this boat trip for a few weeks now.

The boat starts to move and go farther out into the ocean. As the farther from land the boat goes the rough of the water starts to become. The boat starts to bob up and down, side to side, in different directions.

Your stomach starts to do flips and you begin to not feel well.

You try to push through a little longer but you don't know if this uneasy feeling will go away.

"Y/N are you feeling okay?" Taylor asks

"I don't feel well." You said.

"Oh no are you feeling sea sick?" Taylor asks.

Before you can reply you throw up onto the deck,

"Oh my god Y/N!" Taylor shout and bends down to make sure you're okay.

"Can I have a bag?! My girlfriend is sick!" Taylor shouts.

Taylor hands you a bag and you throw up some more, "We are almost back on land. Just hang in there a bit more." She said.

The next fifteen minutes seems like the longest 15 minutes of your entire life as you continue to throw up and Taylor continues to speak soothing words trying to calm you down.

The boat finally pulls up to the dock and everyone starts to walk off.

Taylor helps you get up and walk onto the dock and back on land.

"Let's just sit and rest for a few minutes on a bench before we get back into a moving vehicle." Taylor said.

"That sounds like a good idea." You said sitting on a bench.

"Thank you for helping me." You said.


Author's Note

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