Trick or treating ✅

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"Let's go trick or treating." You said

"I would love too go with you but you know we can't go. We will drew too big of a crowd." Taylor said worried.

"I have an idea. Let's cover our faces. Let's cover our whole body where no one will even know who we are. Your security can come with us for extra protection. They can even dress up of they want so no one will know." You said.

"Hmmm that does sound tempting. Okay let's try it. We can try to find some costumes tonight so we will have enough time to plan for tomorrow." Taylor said.

You about happy, "I'm so excited."

Taylor's costume she picked a squirrel outfit and the best part is the head because it completely covers her face,

Taylor comes walking out wearing the costume and laughs.

"I love it." She says.

Taylor puts on the head and she is now completely covered and you wouldn't even know that's it's her.

You laugh harder, "I love it. We are going to have so much fun."

"You should try on your costume." Taylor says.

You also picked an animal costume you picked out a cheetah costume.

"It looks so good on you." Taylor said.

~Halloween night~

It's Halloween night in New York City and the streets are somehow even more packed with people.

You and Taylor are having a blast walking around and no one even knows they are walking past the both of you.

You both have gotten so much candy and it's not even 11 o'clock yet.

"This is so much fun. We have to do it next year." You said.

"Yes." Taylor replied.

Author's Note

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