Snow day ✅

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You look out the window to see snow on the ground.

"Snow!!" You shouted

"Y/N lets go outside!" Taylor said.

"Okay." You said and you both ran up to your rooms to change into your winter clothes.

When you walked outside you instantly fell onto your back to make a snow angle. You stood up to look at it when suddenly you get hit in the back of the head by a snowball.

"Ow!!" You shout and turned to see Taylor smiling.

"Oops." She said and laughed.

"It's so on!!" You shout and quickly make a snowball and threw it at her.

Taylor ran and the snow ball just missed her by inches, you try to throw more snowballs at her hitting her back or shoulders.

Taylor hit you back with some snowball's and one hitting you right in the face.

"Ow!!" You yell and fall onto the ground holding your hands up to your face.

"Shit! Sorry babe I didn't mean to get your face." Taylor said and walked over to you.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asks and puts her hand on your shoulder.

You grab a handful of snow into your hand and smash it into her face, "Tricked you!" You shouted.

"Hey that's cheating! I thought you where really hurt!" Taylor shouts.

"I'm sorry I won't do that again." You said.

Taylor threw more snow at you, "That requires a hot chocolate apology later." She said laughing.

"Okay. But first can we make some snowman?" You asked.


Author's Note

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