Thunderstorms ✅

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It's been raining all day and the storm is starting to get worse. The sky is super dark and the wind is blowing the tree's and bushes all over.

The wind is so strong we can hear it through the door's of the house and the pool in the backyard looks like it might overflow.

"It's really bad out there now. I'm so glad you arrived home before the storm got worse." You said looking out the window.

"Yeah when I get into my car it was just sprinkling and by the time I got home the rain was coming down in buckets." Taylor said.

The rain starts to come down now and suddenly there is a big boom above the house.

"Oh my gosh was that right above us?" You asked.

"I don't think so. But it did sound really close to us." Taylor said.

A few seconds later an even louder thunder boom sounded and you can feel it in your stomach.

"That was definitely right above us." You said laughing.

"Oh my god that was crazy. I hope we don't lose power." Taylor said.

Suddenly you see a flash of lightning outside,

"Lighting!" You shout excitedly and went closer to the window to look.

Another big thunderstorm booms over the house and more lightning strikes go across the dark sky.

"Wow it's like our own show." Taylor said.

You and Taylor watched the thunderstorm until it passed.


Author's Note

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