You have Covid ✅

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"Taylor." You said.

"Yes?" Taylor asked.

"I don't feel well." You replied

"Like a cold?" Taylor asked.

"I think I might have Covid. One of my co workers just got back to work from one of her relatives that had it." You said.

"Oh no. What are your symptoms?" Taylor asked.

"I have a headache, body aches you feel like I got hit by a bus, fatigue, cough and a dry throat, a stuffy nose." You said

"Let me take your temperature." Taylor said.

Taylor took your temperature and it beeped,

"Yep you have a fever." Taylor said.

"Let me go see if we have any more Covid rapid tests." Taylor said and came back with the test.

"Put this up your nose." Taylor said

You did the swab in your nose and sneezed once you took it out, "I'll be back with the results."

After a few minutes Taylor came back into your room,

"Yeah you gave Covid Y/N." Taylor said and you groaned.

"No." You said

"I'm sorry." Taylor said.

"Well I feel like I'm the last person in the world to get it." You said.

It's almost the end of 2023 and you just now got Covid.

"You will feel better after a week. I'll make all of your favorite sick foods while you are resting. What do you want to eat first?" Taylor asked.

"Oat meal and maybe toast but not too crunchy for my throat?" You asked.

"Okay." Taylor said and went to the kitchen to make it.


Author's Note

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