You hear Taylor writing a night ✅

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You wake up to hear music playing,

an acoustic guitar.

You roll over to see Taylor is not in bed.

When did she get up?

You get up and follow the sound of the music, you entire the living room to see Taylor playing one of her autistic guitar's on the couch.

"How long have you been down here?" You asked and Taylor jumped.

"Jesus babe you scared the shit out of me." Taylor said

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. When did you come down here?" You asked again.

"About an hour ago. I woke up to go to the bathroom and I couldn't fall back to sleep so I went down here." Taylor said.

"Come back to bed. It's late." You said and looked at the clock again.

3:44 am

"Alright I'm getting tired now." Taylor said and put her guitar back on the guitar stand.

"What were you working on?" You asked.

"A melody that's been stuck in my head. That's why I couldn't sleep. Maybe I'll go into the studio tomorrow and play it to Jack." Taylor said as you both walked back into the bedroom.

"That's good. Maybe it would turn into something." You said getting into bed.

Taylor climbed back into bed as well,

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Taylor." You said and closed your eyes.


Author's Note

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