Your car breaks down ✅

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You are on your way to work in Los Angeles but of course you are stuck in traffic. You have been stuck for two hours and still haven't gotten very far.

You tried to take another highway to go a different route to work but this highway is packed with cars and trucks just like the last freeway you where on.

Just then your car's engine starts too beep and you look on the dashboard, low gas light turned on.

"No!" You groaned.

Lucky you had enough gas still in the tank to get off the highway and park somewhere safe.

Of corse when you get off there still isn't any gas stations near. The next one in a block away but you don't have enough gas in the tank to get there.

You get on your phone and call your work to say you will be a little late and explain your situation. You then call a towing company and they say said it's going to take an hour and a half to get you. You accept the company and they just sent a driver to go get you.

You then call Taylor to see if she can get you.

"Hey Y/N what's up? I thought you left for work?" Taylor asked.

"I was until I ran out of gas and I'm stuck on the side of a road." You said.

"What? What happened?" Taylor asks.

"I ran out of gas so I got off the freeway and now I'm stuck on a random road somewhere. And of corse it's in a not so nice part of town." You said.

"Where are you? I'll go get you." Taylor said.

"No it's fine. I'll just wait for the towing company." You said.

"No I haven't left for work yet. I was getting a late start of the day myself. I'll go get you I'm leaving the house right now." Taylor said.

"Okay. I'll text you where I'm at." You said.

"Okay bye." Taylor said and hung up.

You sent Taylor your location and an hour later Taylor shows up. But you are still waiting for the tow company.

"Come in my car while we wait for the towing company." Taylor said.

Half and hour later the towing truck finally came and you payed the man for coming to get you as he starts to connect your car to his truck.

"Let's take you to work." Taylor said and you both got in her car.

You finally arrive to your work you hope your boss isn't too late at how late you are.

"By babe. I'll come pick you up after work okay?" Taylor said.

"Okay. Thanks for coming to get me. Love you." I said getting out of the car.

"Love you too." Taylor said and drove away.


Author's Note

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