01 |Happy Birthday|

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The light from the rising sun crept through the windows of the nursery in Casita. Luna groaned from the sun shining in her face and turned on her other side, hoping to get more sleep before everyone had to wake up.

Unfortunately for the girl, her two cousins decided that wasn't going to be the plan. Mirabel holds a finger up to her lips to shush Camilo who was giggling before they both pounced on her bed, Luna lets out a yelp from the sudden intrusion of her space.

"Happy Birthday!" Mirabel and Camilo exclaimed, Luna smiles "Thanks guys..but you didn't have to shout like that." Camilo gasped "Why not? It's your birthday!" Mirabel backed him up "Yeah and you get your gift later too!"

They both began to bombard her with questions on what she hoped her gift would be and Luna struggled to meet their excitement so early. Luna looked to the door when she hears a knock and sees Bruno standing at the doorway "Papa!" "Hey, there's my birthday girl!" He kneels down with his arms open when she rushes to hug him.

Bruno scoops Luna in his arms "Mi hija! You're getting so big!" He presses kisses to her forehead and cheeks, Luna giggles "Papa, stop! That's too many kisses!" "I can't help it on my daughter's big day!" Bruno gave one more tight squeeze before putting Luna down.

"I came to get you all for breakfast. And Luna, your tía made something extra special just for you." Luna's eyes lit up more "Ooh! What is it? Tell me Papa!" Bruno zips his lips "Then that will ruin one of your surprises." Bruno gives her a wink "I'll wait for you guys at the table." He says before leaving the room.

The three of them get dressed quickly and down the stairs, Casita giving Luna an extra boost so she was the first to reach the table "Aw Casita, that's not fair!" Mirabel whined. Everyone else was already at the table and waiting for them.

"Happy birthday Luna!" Pepa engulfs her in a big hug, a rainbow forming over her head "I can't believe mi sobrina is already five years old! So grown!" The rainbow turns into a rain cloud from her emotions. Felix tries to swat it away "Amor, you're going to get her all wet before the day even begins." He chuckles while Bruno tries to dry his daughter off the best he could.

Julieta sets Luna's plate down at her seat and gives her a warm smile "Happy birthday little star, I made you your favorite just for you." Luna squeals at the plate "Ooh, changua! Gracias tía." Julieta gives her a hug "Aw, anything for my little niece." Luna points to her plate enthusiastically to show Bruno her surprise and he couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement.

Alma claps her hands to get her family's attention "Family, today is a very special day. As we are all aware of, it is Luna's 5th birthday." She smiles at the birthday girl "And as tradition, later tonight she will receive her own gift. So we need to make sure that we all prepare for the evening, everything must go perfectly." She announces.

Everyone nods "Bruno, is her gift ceremony outfit ready?" He nods "Yes, I was going to go pick it up at the shop after breakfast." Luna raises her hand "Ooh, can I pick it up? Please?" She begged. Alma laughs "Yes, but do not look until tonight. Your Papa had it designed special just for you." She says.

"I can go with her Abuela." Dolores offered "Just to make sure she doesn't peek at it." Luna gasps "I would never!" She sticks her tongue out at her cousin and they both giggle. Mirabel and Camilo volunteer also "We wanna go too!" They shout.

"You two can go but you have to promise to be on your best behavior." Julieta says "Especially you Camilo! Don't be getting your cousin into any trouble today." Pepa thundered. Camilo feigns a gasp "Mamá, I would never. But I promise to behave." He promised.

"Now that's settled, let's all do our best to make this day goes perfect for our little star. La familia Madrigal!" Alma shouts, "La familia Madrigal!" Everyone gets up from the table and Bruno quickly stops Luna before she can join her cousins "Remember to be back before your ceremony starts. I have something I want to give you." He reminded her.

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