04 |Tensions Rise|

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Bruno woke up later that morning to the sound of Casita waking everyone up. The house left Luna's room alone, probably due to what had happened earlier. He heard everyone leave their rooms and head downstairs for breakfast and to start their day.

The man rubbed his eyes, exhaustion still plaguing him but sleep was something that he always had a hard time with. He glanced down at Luna who was curled up around him, sleeping peacefully. Bruno sighed in relief at this-having actually woken up a few hours ago after Luna cried to him about seeing another nightmare and he had to calm her down all over again.

He kisses the top of her head before carefully getting out of bed without waking her. Bruno exits her room and walks downstairs to the kitchen, he really needed a cup of coffee. He pauses outside when he hears Mirabel talking to Julieta "Can we play with Luna today?" He heard his sister pause trying to figure out a good response "I'm afraid not Mirabel..."

The girl huffed at this "But why? Isabela and Dolores got to play with her yesterday! It's me and Camilo's turn!" She whined. Bruno decided to step in to help "Um..Luna isn't feeling so good Mirabel." He says, they both turn to him. Mirabel looked concerned "Is she sick?" She asks.

"Not sick..just really tired." Bruno answered, "Oh...ok. I hope she feels better." The girl ran out to tell her cousin that they wouldn't be able to play with their older cousin that day. Julieta walked up to Bruno with a cup of coffee already ready "Ay Bruno, you look exhausted." She noticed.

Bruno took the cup with a grateful smile "Yeah..Luna kept waking up a few times during the night from either her own nightmares or someone else's." He explained. Julieta sighs "Mi pobre sobrina..." she murmured, "She must've been so scared and confused..." Bruno nodded. Luna was still so young and though he still doesn't know what she's seen, it must've terrified her mind.

Julieta went back to the counter to finish making breakfast "I'll make sure that you and Luna have breakfast before I have to go into town. I'll also make sure Mama doesn't bother you." She informed, Bruno blinked in surprise "Julieta, you don't have to-" the healer interrupted him by raising her hand "I know I don't have to but I want to."

She smiled at him "I'll always be there to take care of mi hermanito and mi sobrina." Bruno huffed at the nickname but thanked her "You're the best." He says.

Bruno walks back upstairs but stops when he almost walks into Alma. They both stare at each other for a few seconds before he cleared his throat "Ah...good morning." He mumbles before quickly walking past her. She didn't say anything.

He opens Luna's door and sees her sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes "Hey, looks who's up." Bruno sets his coffee down before sitting on the side of her bed. He brushes some her hair strands away from her face, Bruno notices that she was starting to develop dark bags under her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" He asked "A bit tired..." Luna yawned, Bruno frowned "You want to go back to sleep?" She shakes her head "Ok. How about we get some breakfast?" He suggested. Luna nods and he picks her up. She hid her face into his shoulder-something she often did when she was younger- before leaving her room.

Julieta finished preparing food for the town with Pepa helping and they looked up when they heard Bruno walk into the kitchen, Julieta gave Luna a gentle smile "Buenas días Luna." The girl gave her aunts a small wave before hiding her face again.

Pepa looked surprised while Julieta looked sad, Bruno rubbed his daughter's back "She's tired and...still reeling from last night." He explained. Pepa's expression changed to anger "Julieta told me what happened." A thundercloud formed over her head "I can't believe Mama would go so far!" Thunder boomed which made everyone jump.

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