13 |Overwhelming gift|

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Bruno was aware of how similar Luna's gift was to his own. It was no surprise to him the older Luna became, the stronger her gift got.

A persistent squeak caused Bruno to wake up and he sees Piper sitting on his chest with her face very close to his. He lets out a yelp and quickly sits up, he rubs his eyes "Piper, what are you doing?" He asks. Piper squeaks and jumps off his lap to point her nose in the direction of the door.

Bruno looks at the door and notices why Piper seemed frantic. The door was open and Luna wasn't in the room. Bruno scrambles off the mattress and runs out the room, he sees Luna sluggishly walking ahead of him. He frowns and rushes over to her. He gently places his hands on her shoulders and makes her stop walking before kneeling down in front of her.

Luna was staring at nothing, her eyes shining purple. This churned Bruno's stomach. Her trances have been becoming more frequent, but sleepwalking? That was new. He carefully cups her face "Luna? Can you hear me, mi vida?" She continued to stare past him at nothing. Bruno feels his worry rise but he forces himself to push it down. This was normal, it was just like his trances. Just like his gift.

It took a few more minutes before Luna's eyes slowly died down to her usual brown. She shakes her head then looks around her surroundings, panic setting in when she realizes she wasn't in the room.

"It's ok, it's ok. I'm here. You're ok." Bruno quickly reassures, he gently grabs her shoulders. Luna rubs her eyes, looking confused "Papa?" She looks around again "What's going on?" She asks, Bruno brushes a few loose hair strands away from her face "You were sleepwalking, mija." He says.

Luna's eyebrows furrow "Sleepwalking?" Bruno nods "What were you dreaming? Where were you?" He questions. The dreamer thinks about it "I was...in a forest. It was dark but one of my butterflies lit the way..so I followed it. I was coming close to a village but then the dream ended." Luna explained.

She rubs her head "My head hurts..." she murmured "Well, it is still late. We should head back to the room and get some sleep." Bruno suggests, she nods "Ok.." Bruno picks her up and begins to walk back to the room. She presses her face against his shoulder, Bruno whispered reassurances to her while he rubbed her back.

He carefully lays her down on the mattress and tucks her in, she mumbles sleepily to herself as Bruno brings the blanket up to her shoulders "Shh...just get some sleep, ratoncita." Luna pats the space next to her, starting to look distressed as she did. Bruno was confused before he realized what she was looking for. He grabbed her rat plush and tucked it in next to her, she smiles in her sleep when she feels it.

Bruno didn't get much sleep for the rest of the night. Every time he fell asleep, he would wake up if Luna made a noise or shifted in her sleep. It was clear that Luna's gift was getting stronger and it worried him. He wasn't sure how it would affect her.

Luna slept until late morning, which was unusual since she was the first one to wake up. She squints her eyes open and groans when she feels the same pain in her head from earlier that night, but it felt worse. Bruno glances over to her at her groan and kneels down beside her "Hey mariposa, how are you feeling?" He asks "My head really hurts Papa...." she whimpered.

Bruno frowns "More than earlier?" He asks, she nods slightly and presses her forehead against the pillow. The seer gently runs his fingers through her hair as his mind raced, maybe the dream was more draining than he thought "It's ok, mija. Today can just be a quiet day for us." He says. Luna glanced up at him "A quiet day?" She questions, Bruno nods "That way you can get some more rest." He explained.

"Ok..." She whimpers again when her head throbbed, Bruno shushes her gently before getting an idea "Wait here." Luna watches him grab a cloth and a bowl before exiting the room. He's gone for a few minutes before returning with the bowl filled with water. He dips the cloth in the water before placing it over her forehead.

Luna sighs in relief when her headache dulled a bit "This helps when I have a bad headache. Is it helping?" Bruno asks, Luna nods sleepily "Mhm...thank you Papa.." she mumbles before falling back asleep. Bruno sighs before pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead "No problem, mija..."

The girl slept on and off throughout the day, Bruno would wake her up to give her water before she would fall back asleep. It's not the first time Luna has slept a full day, but it still caused Bruno to be concerned. Especially, when different dreams continued to overwhelm Luna in her sleep.

Luna woke up in the late afternoon to her stomach growling. Her headache was still present but she was getting hungry. She sits up slowly and looks around for Bruno, she sees him reading a book on the chair beside her "Papa?" He instantly looks over to her and closes his book. Bruno bends down to her height "Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling? How's your headache?"

Luna rubs her eyes "It's better but I'm hungry." She says, Bruno smiles "Ok, then let's get something in your stomach." He says. He picks Luna up and sets her down at the table before putting some arepas on her plate. She takes small bites and yawns "Can I go back to sleep after this?" She asks "Well..you've slept almost all day. I don't want you to have trouble sleeping later, so I think it's best if you don't take anymore naps today." Bruno says.

The girl nods "Ok.." Luna continues to eat while Bruno went back to reading his book, wanting to still keep it quiet for Luna. Piper and Dolores join Luna at the table and the dreamer shares some of her food with them. Suddenly, a sharp pain went through her head and it caused her to spill her water and the cup to fall to the floor.

Bruno turns to her "Luna, are you ok?" He asks, she nods "I-I spilled the water though." "That's ok. I'll clean it up." But Luna was already bending down to pick up the cup. Then the pain in her head became unbearable, causing her to cry out. She knew it was her gift acting up again. She didn't need a mirror to know that her eyes were glowing.

Luna could faintly hear Bruno telling her to breathe, just breathe, as whatever dream took over her head. She couldn't see it very well but she could hear people screaming, just screams that haunted her ears. She didn't know how much time passed before the dream ended and her headache began to die down to a dull pain.

She realized she was leaning against Bruno, who was rubbing her back comfortingly. Luna felt something drip from her nose and saw small red spots appear on her skirt. She looks up at Bruno confused, his eyes widened when he sees that she's bleeding from her nose. He quickly grabs the cloth and holds it to her nose.

"P-P'pa?" "I-It's ok. You're ok." He reassures, he gives her a smile but Luna could still tell he was nervous. Bruno carefully leans Luna's head forward and shushes her when she's startled "It's ok Luna. You're just having a little nosebleed. Just try to breathe through your mouth, ok?" Luna nods "O-Ok..."

They sit on the ground like that for bit until Bruno decides to take a peek at her nose. He sighs in relief when he sees her nose stopped bleeding "Good. It stopped." He says. Bruno brushes her hair back and hears Luna sniff before tears begin to fall "Oh mariposa, please don't cry." He pulls her close to him as she began to cry into his chest.

"I-I don't know what's happening with my gift, Papa. I'm scared." She whimpers, Bruno gently wipes away her tears "I know mi vida...I might have an idea on what's happening though." Luna looks up at Bruno "What's wrong with me?" She asks. Bruno sighs "Nothing is wrong. It's just...as we get older, our gifts can become more overwhelming." He explains.

Luna looked confused at the word "More stronger." Bruno says "...does this happen to you?" She questions, the seer nods "My visions can sometimes be too much. If I'm not careful, I can get bad headaches and nosebleeds too." He explains. Luna looked alarmed "But I'm able to manage it." He quickly says.

The girl leans against him tiredly "I'm really tired..." she mumbles "That makes sense. You don't mind going to bed early, do you?" "But you wanted me to stay up.." Bruno picks her up "I know but if you're really tired, then I can make an exception." He tries to put her down in her hammock but she tightens her hold on him "Mija, I need to put you down."

She presses her face into his shoulder "I don't want to let you go..." she says, Bruno sighs "Ok, we'll just sit down then." He sits down on the chair and Luna curls in on him more. He kisses the top of her head and holds her close "Will you protect me from the monsters?" Luna's voice sounded so small. Bruno looks down at her "Of course." He didn't even need to think about his answer. Luna glanced up at him "Promise?"

"I promise."

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