02 |Bruno's Thoughts|

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It's been a few days since Luna's gift was revealed and the girl had been bouncing off the walls she loved it so much. She was always very happy to share the dreams she saw with her family and use it to help with creating stories with Bruno or plays.

"I've noticed she's been enjoying her gift so far." Julieta said one morning while preparing breakfast, Bruno chuckles "Enjoying it? She's been loving it. Every morning I'm told of the new dream she's seen. Sometimes it's more than one." They both laugh and go back to making breakfast.

Julieta notices at the corner of her eye how Bruno seemed to be chewing on a thought, she knew his expressions like the back of her hand. She stops rolling the dough and wipes her hands "Is something on your mind?" Bruno was hesitant before sighing "It might just be me..but I think her gift might be similar to my own. And I'm just worried." 

Julieta frowns a bit "Is it because only she can see the dreams and we can't?" "Well no.." Bruno rubbed the back of his neck "Maybe? I don't really know. I just have this feeling..." he admitted. Julieta placed a comforting hand on his shoulder "I'm sure it's just a parent's worry that comes with their child getting their gift. I felt that way with Isabela and Luisa. Pepa also felt the same with Dolores." She reassured.

Bruno nods "I suppose that might be the case." "Papa, Papa!" They both turned around when they heard running footsteps and saw Luna carrying some sand in her hand running to the kitchen. Bruno quickly stopped her before she crossed the threshold "Hey, hey! You know the rules. If your tía won't let me bring sand in here, you can't either."

Luna was almost jumping from excitement "Sorry Papa, but I really wanted to show you this!" She squealed. Julieta laughs "Show us what little star?" She questioned "Ok, ok. So I was playing outside with Luisa and Mirabel and I had sand in my hands, for some reason I squeezed it really hard and this happened!" Luna squeezed the sand in her hands and concentrated.

When she opened her hands, a small blue butterfly flew from it and into the air. The adults both watched in astonishment "I think it's protection." Luna explained "I think it's used to fight away the nightmares." Bruno smiled "That's amazing Luna. Look at you, growing with your gift more everyday!" He lifted her up and swung her around, Luna laughed "Papa, you're making me dizzy!" Maybe Bruno didn't have a reason to feel so worried.

Alma walked in on the scene and couldn't help but chuckle herself "What's going on here?" She asked, "Luna was just showing us a new thing about her gift." Julieta says. Alma looked pleased "Oh, what is this new thing?" "I can make a bush of protection!" "Hedge of protection mija." Bruno corrected, "We think it helps ward off nightmares." He explained.

Alma clasped her hands together "Wonderful! We can start looking for ways that can help the village." Bruno gives his mother a weird look "Mama, Luna still doesn't really understand her gift. She just discovered this new thing and there could be other little hidden things. Maybe we should wait a bit." He says, the older woman waved him off "Nonsense, I'm sure we'll find some way for her gift to be useful."

Bruno felt a familiar feeling of anger run through his body at the word. Useful. Luna noticed that Bruno had an expression on his face that she wasn't familiar with "Papa, are you ok?" The seer realized that he probably had a weird look on his face and quickly smiled "Yes, I'm ok. Why don't you go show your butterfly to your tía Pepa and tío Felix? I'm sure they'll be excited to see." "Ok!"

He puts Luna down and she runs out of the kitchen excited, Alma turns to her son "Why do you want to wait? It's been 3 days since Luna's got her gift." She says. Bruno sighed "I think her gift is similar to mine and knowing my gift, I just think we should take it slow." He said "Oh Bruno, you always worry about that girl. She'll be fine. I'm sure it's just your imagination again."

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