08 |Two Birds|

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Luna was loving this camping trip with Bruno. Sure, it was very sudden but she's been having fun. She loved being able to sleep under the stars, tell scary stories around the fire (the ones that she's been telling always managed to freak Bruno out) but she can tell something was bothering him.

Whenever she mentioned the family, Bruno would get all nervous and change the subject when she would ask about his reaction. Luna knew something was up. And it made her worry. She never liked to see Bruno so nervous about something.

"Luna, lunchtime." She looked up from what she was doing and crawled over to where he sat cooking fish. Bruno carefully hands it to Luna, making sure she grabbed the stick "Be careful, it's hot." He warned. Luna nods and blows on her fish before taking a bite "What were you doing over there?" Bruno asks.

"I was making Dolores a flower crown. The color matches her clothes." Luna says. She notices Bruno's face falter before he forced a smile on his face "That's nice. I'm sure she'll love it." He says. Luna narrows her eyes at him "Papa, I know you're hiding something. I thought we weren't supposed to keep secrets.." she says.

Bruno sighed "Luna, I know you think that but trust me. I'm fine." Luna gave him another look and mumbled "Liar." They finish eating in silence. Bruno adds more wood to the fire when Luna announced that she wanted to play a game "Hide and seek?" Bruno questioned. She nodded "There are more hiding spots here!" The seer rubbed the back of his neck "I don't know mija.."

"Come on Papa! Scared that I'll beat you again?" Luna teased, Bruno raised an eyebrow at that "I see what you're doing...and it's working. Alright then." He stands up "You count and I hide?" "No, I want to hide!" Bruno raises his hands "Ok, ok. I'll count." He closes his eyes and begins to count and Luna quickly runs off.

Luna was in the middle of trying to decide on either hiding in the tree or in a bush but those thoughts went away when everything around her began to grow a bit hazy. She rubs her eyes to try and clear her vision, when she pulls her hands back Luna could see a small hint of purple reflecting against her skin.

"Uh oh..." she mumbled just as her vision turned white.

Sand swirled around Luna and she instantly recognized Bruno using his gift. She tried to see what he was looking at but couldn't see the vision clearly. Why was she seeing this? Has Bruno been dreaming about something..or having a nightmare about it?

"..na! Luna! Luna!" Bruno's voice comes through her mind and helps her out of whatever she was seeing, her eyes opened slowly and she could see Bruno leaning over her looking panicked "Papa?" "Are you ok? Does anything hurt? Do you feel dizzy? Did you hit your head? Was it your gift? Do you feel sleepy?" Bruno asked the questions at such a rapid pace that it made Luna's head spin a little.

The girl looked at him sleepily "Hm?" she questioned, Bruno swallows his nerves and repeats his questions more slowly. Luna rubs her eyes "Mm...I think it was my gift. I feel really tired.." she mumbled. Bruno nodded "Ok, I think that's enough hide and seek." He picks her up and begins to walk back to their campsite "But I didn't even get to hide." Luna whined "That's ok, mija. We'll play again after you sleep." Bruno reassured.

The rain storm that came after was unusual to Luna, there's been a storm for the past few days and she knew it was Pepa. What could have possibly upset her tía so badly?

Luna glances up at Bruno, who was trying his best to keep their makeshift tent from falling apart, "Papa?" The seer looked down at his daughter "Yes mariposa?" "Is tía....upset about something?" Her questionnaire makes Bruno pause as he tries to find an answer "Maybe..but you don't have to worry about that. Just go to sleep, I know you're tired."

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