14 |Follow the butterfly|

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Luna walked through the walls of Casita following the gold butterfly. It wasn't one of her own but for some reason, she still felt the sense to follow it. Luna climbed out of the painting and watched the butterfly make its way towards Bruno's room. The dreamer felt the same feeling, telling her to follow. She began to walk up the stairs to Bruno's room.

A sharp pain from her leg jolted Luna out of her dream, she jumped and held her leg. She squeaked when someone placed their hand on her shoulder "Easy, it's just me." Bruno kneels down in her line of sight. He let out a tired sigh "You are so quiet, like a little mouse. I didn't even hear you leave the room." He says. Luna looks around and realizes they were both standing in front of the painting door, she groans "I did it again, didn't I?" She asks.

Bruno nodded "Yeah...but it's ok. Let me see your leg." He has Luna lift her leg a bit and balance herself, he inspects it and sees it's a small cut "Is it bad?" Luna asks. Bruno shakes his head "No mija, it's just a small cut." He says, "But it really hurts Papa..." She whimpers "I know. Small cuts tend to hurt the most." He explained.

"Let's head back to the room and I'll put a bandaid on it." Luna nods "Ok.." Bruno picks her up and begins to walk back. Luna plays with his hair "Papa, how come you pick me up so much?" She wondered, Bruno glanced at her "You don't like it when I do?" He asks "No, I do! I just wonder why you do it...often?" She guessed the word.

Bruno smiled "That's the correct word. And I pick you up so much because you're just so tiny that I can't help it." He blew raspberries on her cheek which caused her to laugh "But Papa, I'm not that tiny!" She giggled, the seer gasped "So you're not mi ratoncita?" He asks "I am!" "Then I concur that you are tiny then."

He puts her down on the table before turning on the lamp and rummaging around the shelf for a bandaid. Luna petted Dolores's head while the other rats circled her "Found one." Bruno takes out a bandaid before dipping a cloth in a bowl of water "Ok Luna, I'm just going to put a little water on your cut to clean it. I want to make sure it doesn't get infected." He explained.

Luna looked nervous "Is it going to hurt?" She asks "It...might sting but I promise to be quick." Bruno says, Luna hesitates but nods. Bruno gently dabs the cloth on her leg and shushes her when Luna whimpers "It's ok. You're doing very good, mariposa." He gently blew on the wound to cool down the stinging before putting the bandaid on it.

"There we go! You did so well Luna!" Bruno exclaims, Luna sniffs "I did?" Bruno nods and gently wipes away her tears "Yes, you did." He says. Bruno helps Luna climb off the table and bends down to her height "Besides the cut, are you feeling ok? Do you have a headache? Anything?" He asks. Luna shakes her head "No, I'm just tired." She says, Bruno looked relieved at that.

"So, where did my little dreamer wander off to this time?" He asks, Luna tried to remember "Well....I was still in the walls..and I was following a butterfly. But it wasn't one of mine. And it was leading me to your room." Bruno raised an eyebrow "My room?" She nodded "But then I woke up when my leg hit something." She says.

"That would explain why you almost walked out of the walls." Bruno muttered, "But I don't understand why something is leading you to my room." Luna fiddles with one of her hair strands "Well...I've been noticing that you've been acting a little weird lately. Maybe the butterfly knows and wants to help." Luna says.

Bruno looked surprised at that and he sighs "I appreciate your concern Luna, but I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." He says, "But Papa, you seem...really tired and sad lately. Maybe there's something in your room that will cheer you up." Luna suggested.

"Luna, you know my rules. You can't go in my room without adult supervision. But there's no need to go in my room." Bruno says, getting up "Pero Papa-" "Luna. I said no." He sternly said. Luna pouts "It's not fair. How come you can worry so much about me but I can't worry about you?" She asks as she climbs onto her hammock.

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