2 Trick or treat,freak

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Y/N's POV.

It was officially halloween and like every year,the party all dressed up together.This year we were dressing up as the ghostbusters.I was dressing up as Janine Melnitz.

My parents already have left for work by the time I get out of the house and I quickly ride my bike to school.As I ride to school,I can't help but wish El was here,she would of probably liked dressing up.By the bikes I see the party and I quickly put my bike in the bike rack before joining them.

"Who you gonna call?Ghostbusters!".We sing all sing.

"Whoa.Woah".Mike says as she looks at Lucas.

"What?".Lucas asks.

"Why are you Venkman?".

"Because I'm Venkman".

"No I'm Venkman".

"Why can't there be two Venkmans?".Will asks.

"Because there's only one Venkman in real life.We planned this months ago".Mike replies. "I'm Venkman,Y/N is Janine,Dustin is Stantz,Will is Egon and you're Winston".

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston".Lucas says.

"Yes you did!".Mike shouts.

"I don't think he did".I tell him.

It anoys me that they are arguing over something dumb.

"No one wants to be Winston".Lucas says.

"What's wrong with Winston?".Mike asks.

"What's wrong with Winston?He joined the team super late,he's not funny and he's not even a scientist!".Lucas shouts.

"Yeah but he's still cool".Mike says.

"If he's cool then you bee Winston".Lucas looks at him.

"I can't".Mike looks away.

"Why not?".


"Because you're not black".Lucas says.

"I didn't say that".

"You thought it".

"Can you two stop arguing?".I shout.

"Guy,guys,guy!".Dustin shouts making usturn around.

We look as people walk past us.There's one thing that isn't right.No one is in costumes.

"Why is no one wearing costumes?".I ask.

The bell rings and we make our way into the hallway.Everyone laughs as we walk past.At least I don't really look like I'm wearing a costume.I still have my coat on.

"Why do people make these decisions?".Dustin asks as we walk down the hallway.

"Everyone dressed up last year".Will replies.

"It's a conspiracy,I'm telling you".Dustin says.

"Who you gonna call?The nerds".Someone shouts behind us.

I open my locker and I turn my head and see Max.Me,Dustin and Lucas watch as she goes down the hallway and walks over to her locker.

"We gonna do this?".Dustin asks.

"Not right now.We look like morons".Lucas replies.

"We look so dumb".I tell them.

"Maybe she likes ghostbusters?".Dustin asks.

"Of course she likes ghostbusters,but that's not the point".I reply. "The point is we're dressed up and she isn't".

"I didn't bring regular clothes.You guys?".Dustin asks.

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