3 The Pollywog

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Y/N's POV.

I walk in to school with Max and Lucas.We met her at the enterance when I bumped into her.I walk next to Max and as we walk our arms gently brush up against each other making me blush.

"I still don't get why they call him zombie boy".Max says. "I mean,I get it.He got lost in the woods for a week or something but why is he a zombie?Because everyone thought he was dead?".

"Yeah.I mean,we had a funeral for him and everything".I tell her.

"After a week?".Max says.

"Well see,some other kid drowned at the quarry".I say. "We thought it was Will because his body was super decomposed".

"What?Ok that's not funny".Max says stopping and looking at me and Lucas.

"It's not a joke,all right?It's public knowledge".I tell her.

"You can ask anybody".Lucas says. "Except Will,becuase he is really sensitive about it.Alright?".


Lucas walks into class and I look at Max.She looks up at me before walking into the class.I follow after her.

In class,Mr Clarke is talking about someone who got a rod stuck in his head and survived.I wasn't really listening as I was way too busy thinking of other things.Last night,my dad came home really late.Later than he usually does.My mom was mad but she didn't say anything but I could still sense something was up.I didn't want to think about it as I had other things to worry about.

Just then,Dustin runs into the classroom.He apoligises to Mr Clarke and sits down facing us.

"We have to meet.All of us.At lunch.Av club".Dustin whispers.

"Why?".Mike asks.

"I have something that you won't believe".Dustin replies.

"Dustin!".Mr Clarke shouts and Dustin turns around.

I turn around to look at Max.She looks at me but quickly looks away.

At lunch,the party and Max quickly hurry into the av room.I close the door shut behind us and Dustin puts the trap on the table.We gather around it.

"What's in there?".I ask.

"You'll see".Dustin replies.

"Hurry up".I tell him.

Dustin opens the trap and we all look inside.

"His name is d'Artagnan".Dustin says.He picks up a slimy creature. "Cute right?".

"D'Artagnan?".Mike asks.

"Dart for short".Dustin replies.

"And he was in your trash?".Max asks.

"Foraging for food".Dustin says.He looks at Max. "Wanna hold him?".

"No,no".Max says but Dustin stills gives it to her. "Oh god he's slimy".

Max hands him to me.I look at him but the way he slithers in my hand makes me want to die.

"Oh god".I say as I give it to Lucas.

Lucas hands to Will and Will gives it on to Mike.Mike looks at him.

"What is he?".Mike asks.

"My question exactly".Dustin replies. "At first I thought he was some time of pollywog".

"Pollywog?".Max asks.

"It's another word for tadpole".Dustin says. "A tadpole is the larval stage of a toad".

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