8 The Battle Of Starcourt

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Y/N's POV.

El screams as something moves around in her wound.

"There's something in there".Mike says as he looks over at the wound.

"Shit".I say looking away.

"Jesus christ".Dustin says.

"Keep her talking.Keep her awake,ok?".Johnathan runs off.

Mike grabs El's hand and squeezes it.I look over at Max and see tears in her eyes,she's obviously scared and so are all of us.I hug her and she wraps her arms around me.

"Hey,hey,hey.Stay awake.Stay awake".Mike says. "Let's get her on this side".

Mike,Dustin and Nancy turn El over.

"You know,it's not actually that bad.The goalie on my soccer team,Beth Wildfire,this other girl slid into her leg and the whole bone came out of her knee six inches or something,it was insane".Robin says.

"Robin".Steve says.

"Yeah?".Robin says.

"You're not helping".Steve says.

"I'm sorry".Robin says.

Johnathan runs back and he's holding a knife in his hand.Max looks at me,still hugging me.

"Ok.All right,El?This gonna hurt like hell,ok?".Johnathan says.

"Ok".El sobs out.

"I need you to stay really still.Here,you're gonna want to bite down on this ok?".Johnathan says as he hands Mike a wooden spoon.Mike puts it in El's mouth.

Johnathan puts the knife to El's leg before he looks at all of us.

"Do it".Mike says.

Johnathan presses the knife into El's leg and I squeeze my eyes shut,my stomach starting to hurt.Max's arms tighten around me and I hug her to my body.I hear El scream.I hear the sound of the knife being dropped and I open my eyes but I close them as soon as I see Johnathan sticking his hand into El's leg.El screams.

"Johnathan!".Nancy shouts.

"Stop talking!".Johnathan says and El screams again. "Goddamn it!".

"No!Stop!".I hear El shout. "Stop!Stop!".

I hug Max even tighter and I squeeze my eyes shut even tighter.

"Stop!".Nancy shouts.

I open my eyes and Johnathan stops.We all look at El.

"I can do it.I can do it".El says and she sits.

Max looks up at me and I take a deep breath.

El brings her hand up to her leg.She screams as the thing inside her leg moves.Max grabs my hand and squeezes it.El screams and the wound on her leg slightly opens.The glass window behind us breaks and Max clutches my shirt.The creature levatates out of El's leg and she throws it across the room.

We look over to where the creature is and we see Joyce,Hopper and some over man.Hopper stomps on the creature and they all look at us.

"The mind flayer,it built this monster in Hawkins,to stop El,to kill her and pave a way into our world".Mike says as we all sit around the fountain.

"And it almost did.That was just one tiny peice of it".Nancy says.

"How big is this thing?".Hopper asks.

"It's big.Thirty feet at least".Johnathan replies.

"Yeah.It sort of destroyed your cabin".Lucas says.

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