9 The Gate

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Y/N's POV.

Mike hugs El and we all watch.

"Is that?".Max looks at me.

"I never gave up on you".Mike says. "I called you every night.Every night for-".

"353 days".El says. "I heard".

"Why didn't you tell me you were there?That you were ok?".Mike looks at her.

"Because I wouldn't let her".Hoppers says. "The hell is this?Where you been?".

"Where have you been?".El says as Hopper walks over and hugs her.

"You've been hiding her.You've been hiding her this whole time".Mike pushes Hopper.

"Hey!Let's talk.Alone".Hopper says.

When Mike and Hopper go to talk,we walk over to El.We get into a group hug.

"We've missed you".Lucas says.

"A lot".I add.

"I missed you too".El says.

"We talked about you pretty much every day".Dustin says as we pull away.

"Eleven?".Max says as she walks up. "Hey.Um,I'm Max.I've heard a lot about you".

Max sticks her hand out for El to shake but she just walks past.Max looks at me sadly.

"Don't worry,she'll warm up to you eventually".I tell her.

"I hope so".Max says.

El and Joyce walk out of Will's room and they walk into the kitchen.They stand over the table and we walk over.

"You opened this gate before right?".Joyce asks.

"Yes".El replies.

"Do you think of we got you back there,that you could close it?".Joyce says.El looks at her but doesn't say anything.

Mike and Hopper walk over to the table.

"It's not like it was before.It's grown".Hopper says. "A lot.And,I mean,that's considering we can get in there.The place is crawling with those dogs".

"Demo-dogs".Dustin says.

"I'm sorry what?".Hopper asks.

"I said demo-dogs.Like demogorgon and dogs.You put them together,it sounds pretty badass-".Dustin replies.

"How is this important right now?".Hopper cuts him off.

"It's not.I'm sorry".Dustin says.

"I can do it".El looks at Hopper.

"You're not hearing me".Hopper says.

"I am hearing you.I can do it".

"Even if El can,there's still another problem".I tell them. "If the brain dies,the body dies".

"I thought that was the whole point".Max looks at me.

"It is but if we really thought about this,if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer army....".I say.

"Will's a part of that army".Lucas says.

"Closing the gate will kill him".I say.

We all walk into Will's room.

"He likes it cold".Joyce says.

"What?".Hopper asks.

"It's what Will kept saying to me".Joyce replies. "He likes it cold.We keep giving it what is wants".

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