1 The Hellfire Club

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Y/N's POV.

"Y/N wake up!You're going to be late for school!".My mom yells.

I shoot up from my bed and look over at my clock.It's 7:40 and school starts at 8:00.

"Shit".I say to myself as I get up from my bed.

A lot has changed since last summer.My mom is suprisingly doing okay with the divorce.She's gone on a few dates and has met this guy but I haven't seen him yet.I still see my dad occasionally,but I'm not very enthusiastic about it.My little sister always asks when he's coming home.

The party and I are officially in high school.El and Will are in California so it's so much different than before.Lucas has ditched us for the popular kids.He's joined the basketball team.Mike,Dustin and I have joined the Hellfire club.Eddie was the first guy that was actually nice to us and every week we play D&D.Lucas joins us aswell.

Max and I are doing good.Both of us go to Ms Kelly,the school counselor.Max goes because of Billy's death but I go because of my parents.

Lucas asked her out a bit after we got into high school.I was really mad since he knew we were together but he claimed that he thought we broke up.I haven't spoken to him properly since that day.He keeps trying to talk to her but I don't think he understands that she isn't interested.

I can tell Max is struggling a lot with Billy's death,but she doesn't really want to talk about it.She does tell me things.When she has nightmares or when something is worrying her.

I pull on my Hellfire Club raglan t shirt,blue jeans,a jean jacket and a blue beanie.I check my hair in the mirror and fix it.I cut it short about 4 months ago.It's shorter than Mike's.I still wear my iconic beanies and hats but when I got my haircut,I only wear the blue one that Max got me for my birthday.

(Just pretend you have short hair if you don't.Also,if you want a refrence of how it looks like just search up 80s middle part)

I hear a car honking outside and I grab my bag.I run into the kitchen and grab an apple.I hug my mom.

"Bye mom.I love you".I shout as I run out of the house.

Steve honks at me as I slam my front door shut.I run over to the car and close the door and Steve drives off.

"We're going to be late because of you".Steve says.

"I'm sorry.I overslept".I say.

"You always oversleep".Robin says. "You're just too busy dreaming about Max".

"No.I'm not".I blush.

"Oh my god,you do.You're blushing.I bet you dream about you two-".Robin begins.

"No!Do not finish that sentence!".I stop her. "I'm 15 Robin.I'm a minor".

"Well you're nearly 16".Steve says.

"Next year".I say.

"You're growing up,Y/N.It's totally natural to have....feelings".Robin says.

"Oh my god,I can't believe you right now".I say as I look down.

"Robin's right it's ok if you have dreams about you and Max....doing things".Steve says.

"I don't!".I shout.

"Ok.Ok.You don't.But if you do,it's totally ok".Steve says.

Robin looks into the mirror as she fixes her makeup and Steve rambles on about some girl to us.I fiddle with the strap on my bag.

"Then there's Heidi tomorrow night but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college.Do I really want to start another relationship that has no point other than sex?".Steve says. "I mean I don't know.Does that make sense to you two?Robin Y/N are you listening?".

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