6 E Pluribus Unum

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Y/N's POV.

When the lights start to flicker,we all stand up and stand in the middle of the room.

"He's here".Will says touching the back of his neck.

We run up the stairs as fast as we can and when we reach the hallway,the lights are off and we can see Johnathan by a room.We run over to him.

"Nancy's in there!".He shouts.

El focuses on the door and blows it wide open.The monster roars.

"Jesus".Mike says.

"Holy shit".I say.

"What the fuck".Max says.

The monster charges at us but El uses her powers to shove to the side,then the the other.Up.Down.The monster shrieks every time.It roars at us and El pushes it through the window.We turn around and run down the stairs.El opens the door but the moster has already melted and is going down the drain.

"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long".Mike says.

We're at El's and Hopper's cabin whil El tries to find the people that are flayed.

"Mike,you need to relax".Max says.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?".Mike says.

"Oh shit,is that,like,a real thing?".Lucas asks.

"No,it's not.He made it up".Max replies.

"She's going to be ok".I say.

"Mike doesn't know what he's talking about".Max says.

"Oh and you do?".Mike looks at her.

"I mean,yes.El obviously knows the limits to her powers.She isn't going to do anything stupid".Max says.

"How do you know that?".Mike says. "What it she gets hurt in her mind or something?".

"El knows what she can and can't do,Mike.She's perfectly able to take care of herself and she knows the ability of her powers the best".Max says.

"You don't understand".

"No,you don't understand".Max stands up.

She walks over to the kitchen area where Nancy,Will and Johnathan are.All of us follow her.

"Ok,can you guys settle an argument for us?Who do you think should decide El's limits?Mike or Eleven?".Max says.

"The way you frame that is such bullshit".Mike looks at her.

"This is not bullshit,Mike.This is your whole problem.And it's also precisely the reason why she dumped your ass".Max says.

"El dumped you?".Nancy asks.

"Yeah,because she is conspiring against me.She is corrupting her".Mike replies.

"No,enlightening her.The fact is,she's not yours.She's her own person,fully capable of making her own decisons".Max says.

"She's risking her life for no reason".Mike says.

"For no reason?Mike,the flayed are out there doing god knows what".Nancy says.

"Killing,flaying".I say.

"Transforming into monsters".Will says.

"And El's not stupid.She knows her abilities better than any of us".Nancy says.

"Exactly thank you".Max says.

"And she is her own person.With her own free will".Nancy says.

"Exactly".Max looks at Mike. "El has saved the world twice and Mike still doesn't trust her".

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