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It had been three weeks since Taylor started going for therapy sessions and she was already feeling lighter. Maybe this was just what she needed. Although the guilt was still there, she was starting to learn that her parents' accident was a cause of nature as Mrs. Peterson assured her. She told Taylor that any time she felt the guilt, she could get her book and write about it not cut her body or drown herself in alcohol and so far, it was starting to work.

That day when Taylor had her first real therapy session was seriously nerve-wracking. When she left Mrs. Peterson's office and finally got into her car, she already felt like a bit of load had been lifted off her shoulders and that is what pushed her to attend the next session and the next till date. Now it had been three weeks and she was already feeling a tremendous change. Maybe depression could disappear just as fast as it came unlike what some people said. Or maybe it depended on the person and how far their depression had come or how much it had grown.

Mrs. Peterson was also a very nice, welcoming, and understanding lady who made it easy for her to open up to her. On the second day of their sessions together, she had loved what Taylor wrote. She said that it was raw and it 'gave her the feels.' Taylor actually smiled a little at that. From that day, it was like Mrs. Peterson made it her daily goal to evoke a smile out of Taylor and this made her loosen up a bit more. Mrs. Peterson also encouraged her to write more because of her beautiful talent and she begun slowly by writing about her life after her parents' death. She had also outdone herself! How? She had not had any alcohol ever since that first therapy session! She spent this time writing in her journal to show Mrs. Peterson the following session. Jason came over each time he got and they did homework together. They were basically the best of friends now. Everything was starting to fall into place. Her younger siblings were the best support system there was. They were always around her, telling her how much she was of importance to them and showing her the love that any kids that adored their big sister could offer. She started to smile genuinely and also begun to love herself as imperfect as she was. She made a new friend too, Mariah plus a few of Jason's friends.

The world was starting to look friendlier on her side and she was ready to enjoy it!

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