Knock knock

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Aria's POV

I went back home to get my car And drove to Ezra's. I knocked and his door and he was just staring at me.

"I'm so sorry." he said and grabbed me into hug.

"Ezra it's fine." I said trying not to cry but I was failing miserably.

He wiped the tear off my face and kissed me.

"I love you." I whispered between kisses

"I love you too." he said as he pulled me in closer.

"Ezra we can't do this right now." I said pulling away. he looked hurt.
"I'm sorry I just can't right now."

"Aria don't be sorry." he said and he sat down with me

"Do you need anything? You don't have any clothes or anything."

"I asked Spencer to bring me some of her old clothes. I'm not going back home when my dad is there."

"Aria don't let yourself be afraid of him." he said wiping another tear off my cheek

"It's not that easy to say. you should have seen the way he yelled at me."

"I know Aria but you need to understand that he was just upset."

"Whatever can we talk about something else."

"Sure." he said grabbing the tv remote and putting in my favourite movie.

"Ezra can I invite my friends over here?" I asked expecting him to say no

"Of course Aria. This is your place now too. just don't make too much noise." he said walking over to his tiny kitchen to get some chips.

I called the girls and they all got here in 15 minutes

"Sooo..." Spencer said awkwardly

"Sooo.." I said

It was quiet before Ezra spoke

"Since you girls all all here, I think I owe you guys an explanation"

"You don't owe us an explanation Mr. Fitz"

"Yes I do Emily. I should have let you guys know because if something happened I could have helped you guys instead of just hiding out in my apartment. I could have helped you guys in so many situations with A. I just feel so bad."

"Mr.Fitz you don't have to feel bad you were just trying to help Aria."

"Well thanks for understanding.
Are you guys hungry. I could order Chinese?"

"Oh yes please! I'm starving!" Hanna said and we all laughed

Ezra ordered a bunch of food and we all ate.

"How did u guys even meet?" Ali asked after a while.

"We met before school started at the bar at Hollis. it was the year I came back from Iceland."

"Holy crap you were so young!" Spencer said shocked

"I know but that didn't matter back then. I loved him and hen loved me."

I looked at Ezra and he smiled.

"You know it all makes sense now. all the sneaking around and the weird times you were all depressed. It all makes sense." Hanna added

No one said anything after that we all ate and watched the movie. the girls were still here at one in the morning and as they all started falling asleep Ezra helped me get them onto his bed and I fell asleep with them.

None of the girls realized they had fallen asleep at Ezra's and we were all woken up at six in the morning by a very loud knocking on the door.

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