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Aria's POV

It's been three months since I gave birth and three months since we buried our baby boy. I still think of what could have been everyday but I don't feel sad anymore. I feel happy that I was able to keep one baby and I didn't lose both. I feel lucky.

Ezra is great with our daughter. He sings her lullabies and feeds her and he is just amazing.

I walked up to him as he was cradling her and he stared at me with the happiest eyes ever.

"Everything ok?" He asks taking his eyes off our daughter.

"Everything is perfect." I replied going to sit next to him.

"The girls are coming over. They want to see Olivia." I said

"Ok do you want me to order food or something?" He asked handing out daughter over to me

"Can you order pizza?" I asked

"Of course I can but I'll order after they get here." He said kissing me on the forehead and walking away.

I stared at my daughter. She had big blue eyes and lots of brown hair. She is so tiny and so cute.

I got so distracted by my daughter that I didn't even hear the doorbell ring. I just saw the girls walk into the baby's room.

They all smiled at me.

"Can I hold her?" Spencer asked and I of course said yes.

"She's so cute!" Ali said staring at her.

Spencer sat down with the baby in her arms and we all just stared at her.

"I can't believe this is my life now. I'm engaged to my old English teacher and I had his baby." I said and l the girls laughed.

"Are you girls hungry now?" Ezra said popping his head into the room.

"Yes!" We all said excitedly

"Ok so I should order the pizza now then?"

"Yes please!" I said eagerly

Ezra went back downstairs and left us alone. I was so happy right now I couldn't hide my smile. I have everything I could ever ask for.

"Have you talked to your family lately?" Spencer asked

"Not really." I admitted

"Maybe you should invite them over for dinner one of these days." Hanna suggested.

"I guess I should. I miss them I've just been busy with Olivia."

"I know Mike misses you. I could tell from the way he is at school. He doesn't seem as happy as he usually is." Alison added

"He isn't beating up people again is he?" I asked Em concerned

"No! Nothing like that. I think he just missed you."

"Ok well I'll call them once you guys leave."

Olivia fell asleep in Spencer's arms so she put her in the crib.

Ezra finally came upstairs with three boxes of pizza for all of us to eat.

We finished all of them and then the girls had to go. They had school tomorrow so they couldn't stay too late.

I was sitting in the little rocking chair feeding Olivia and then I put her to sleep. It was late but I decided to call my parents.

"Hello?" My dad said answering the phone

"Hi. It's Aria." I said

"Hey Aria! How are you?" He said confused but also happy to hear from me.

"I'm good. I missed you guys. Sorry I haven't called I've just been busy and distracted."

"It's Ok honey. We understand."

" Do you guys maybe want to come over for dinner on Saturday?" I asked

"Sure!" He said excitedly.

"Ok and bring Mike too. I want to see him."

"Sure thing Aria. See you Saturday."

"See you Saturday! Bye."

"Bye honey." He said as he hung up the phone.

I got ready for bed and went to join Ezra who was reading.

"My parents are coming over for dinner Saturday."

"Great." He said kissing me and putting his book down. He shut the light and Olivia started to cry.

We both took turns going to comfort Olivia during the night and once the morning came we were both exhausted. I didn't care though because we are both the happiest we have ever been.

Pretty Little Liars: Aria is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now