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Spencer's POV

We were all waiting impatiently as Aria was trying to tell us what has been going on with her.

"Aria just tell us. How bad can it be?" Ali said trying to make things less awkward

"Ok well I'm kinda in a relationship" she said and Hanna shot up

"I knew it!" She squealed "I want all the details. Who is it?"

"Ezra" Aria said embarrassed

"Hold on Ezra as in Mr.Fitz" I said in shock

She nodded and buried her face into her hands.

"Wait I'm confused why are you so upset if you just wanted to tell us you were dating Ezra" Hanna asked and we all glanced at Emily's worried face

Aria took a deep breath and started to get teary eyed

"Because I'm pregnant" she finally spat out and we were all shocked. how could Aria be pregnant. Her parent are gonna kill her just for dating Mr.Fitz but when they find out she's pregnant with his baby they are never going to want to talk to her again.

I got up and hugged her and soon all the other girls joined in. she was crying at this point and we all felt horrible. we were trying to figure out what she was gonna do to tell her parents and it was getting to real for her and she just broke down and had a full out panic attack.

These rarely happen to her but it scares me when it does because it's so hard to calm her down. The girls left the room as I had her in my arms helping her breathe

Aria is my best friend and. I could never let anything bad happen to her. Once she had calmed down we decided we had enough drama for one day and we put in a movie and got all the junk food Emily had and just ate practically all day skipping school.

Everything was going fine until Aria got a text.

"What will mommy and daddy think of you and Mr.Fitz? Should you tell them or should I let them know first?


"Aria you need to tell your parents before A does or it will make everything worse." I said but she wasn't listening

"Spencer they are going to kill me and Ezra." she cried as the other girls watched from a distance not knowing what to do.

"How about you all stay over here tonight and first thing tomorrow Aria will tell her parents" Em suggested and we all agreed.

She went to get a bunch of blankets and the girls fell asleep one by one Aria falling asleep on my lap and I fell asleep shortly after.

We were bracing ourselves for the day that was about to come

Pretty Little Liars: Aria is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now