not reAdy

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Ezra's POV

It's been 3 weeks since A threw a rock through our window. When they came to install the new window I decided to have a security system put in. I have cameras everywhere and and incredibly expensive alarm system.

I decided I wasn't going to tell Aria about the text because I didn't want her panicking.

She woke up looking uncomfortable today. I could tell she was in pain but not telling me.

"Aria are you having contractions?" I asked going to help her down the stairs.

"I think so." She said in pain

"Well Aria you're due in like two weeks. It's normal for it to be early when you're so young."

"I'm not ready Ezra." She cried in a panic.

I comforted her for a while and then her water broke.

"Babe look at me. I'm going to take you to the hospital and you're going to deliver two babies. If you don't want to see your little boy lifeless you don't have too. I'll support you in any decision you make." I said kissing her in the forehead.

She nodded and we got in my car. She texted her friends as I was driving and they all met us there

We got to the hospital and immediately nurses were bringing her to the maternity ward.

They put her in a bed and started monitoring her contractions. They were pretty far apart so she had a while more in labour. He parents showed up also. I was slightly surprised to see her father but he seemed happy.

A while after, the girls and Mike showed up. Mike looked nervous as he walked over to his parents.

"Can I talk to Mike. Alone please." She asked everyone.

We all nodded and left the room leaving Mike alone with Aria.

Mike's POV

I was scared for Aria. Seeing her in pain made me feel pain.

"Mike how are you with all this?" She asked me.

"I guess it's scary. I just don't want you to be in pain. I'm just scared you're going to forget about us when you have this baby." I said honestly

"Mike I would never forget about you! You're my only brother and I don't want you to ever forget that. You're going to be this little girls uncle she's going to love you as much as she loves me, okay?"

She said with tears in her eyes

"Okay." I said going to hug her and just as I did she had a really bad contraction and she started screaming. I jumped back as everyone else rushed into the room.

The nurse checked to see how dilated she was and he said she was ready.

Aria only wanted Ezra in the room so we all left waiting to see her little girl.

Ezra's POV

My heart is racing. I'm scared and excited and nervous all at once. Aria looked at me terrified and I grabbed her hand.

"I'm scared!" She cried squeezing my hand.

"Don't be scared sweetheart." The nurse told her sweetly

"Aria you're ok! Look at me. Everything is going to be fine.

"I'm not ready Ezra! It's too soon."

"Aria I'm going to need you to push sweetie." The doctor told her

She pushed and pushed and our baby girl was out. We heard her cry and the nurses took her to get cleaned off.

"Ok Aria it's time to push out your baby boy. If you would not like to see him tell us now. You can decide what to do with the body later on.

She didn't say anything she just started bawling her eyes out. I hugged her and couldn't help but let a tear out.

"Aria it's time." I said

She nodded and did everything the doctors told her to. She gave birth to the lifeless body and they immediately took him to the morgue.

Pretty Little Liars: Aria is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now