It's A.. What?

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Aria's POV

"Ezra!" I said and ran into his arms and kissed him.

"I missed you." he said in between kisses and he pulled away to hug me.

"Thank you." I said to Toby

"No problem." he said smiling

Spencer fell asleep almost instantly after we ate and then I fell asleep.

I woke up with my head on Ezra's lap and he was playing with my hair.

I was so happy to see him again.

"Good morning." he said kissing my forehead.

"Hey." I said still half asleep and sitting up.

"We have a doctors appointment today. we find out the gender of our baby." he said and I had completely forgot.

"Ezra that's after school. my mom will be back by then."

"Don't worry babe I rescheduled it for this morning and called you in sick at school so your mom won't know. Now go get ready." He said.

I rushed into the shower and hurried because I was so excited to find out the gender of my baby.

Ezra's POV

It was really close to Arias birthday and I wanted to give her an awesome surprise. something we could both use and love forever.

I discussed it with Toby slightly but not with spencer.

"So I want to get Aria an amazing birthday present." I said while she was in the shower.

"Like what?" Spencer said.

"A house."

"How are you gonna get the money for that? You live in a tiny apartment.

"Oh Aria hasn't told you... ok well my family has A lot of money... Like A LOT"

"Oh ok well what kind of house are you thinking of?"

"You know the one for sale like 10 minutes away from your house?"

"Holy shit Ezra that's a mansion." Toby exclaimed.

"I know but I have the money and I want Aria to be happy."

"Well I think that's really cute!"
Spencer said

"Do you guys think you can help me with it, like decorating and fixing up some things?"

"Of course but her birthday is in a month, are we gonna have time?"

"If we work hard enough yes we will."

"Well when do we start?" Spencer asked

"Well I'm signing paperwork today and we can start any day after that." I said

"Ok well then it's settled."

"What's settled?" Aria said walking out of the bathroom and we were all looking for an excuse.

"Spencer is coming to the ultrasound with us." I said hesitantly

"Yeah.." she said with a nervous laugh.

We gathered all our stuff and I drove us all to the ultrasound.

Aria's POV

I'm nervous. I really want to know if I'm having a girl or not. I really want a girl and so does Ezra. My mom thinks I'm having a girl so hopefully she's right.

We've already picked a name. Olivia Fitz. It sounds so cute.

"Ok are you two ready to find out the sex of your baby?" The lady asked us politely

"Yes we are." Ezra said squeezing my hand in excitement

She moved the ultrasound machine around on my stomach slightly more and then she paused and looked confused.

"W-what is it" I asked looking at her then to Spencer.

"It's seems that there is two baby's in there." she said shocked and happy

I looked at Ezra and he was as shocked as I was and so were Spencer and Toby.

"Twins?" I asked overjoyed

"Yup it seems like it and from what I can tell one is a boy and the other is a girl." she said smiling at us

"Ezra I'm so happy" I said letting out tears of joy.

"Congratulations Aria. I'm so happy for you." Spencer said coming to hug me

"Ok now let's go because my mom is gonna be back soon and If she finds out I wasn't in school she's gonna kill me."

"But I called you in sick."

"I don't care. she works there! she will find out."

We all left and then Ezra drove us to school and Toby back home

Ezra's POV

"So Toby do you think you can help me with fixing up the house?" I asked him

"No problem Ezra but I do have a job so I don't know how I will do both."

"Don't worry about it I'll pay you."

"You really don't have to do that." He said

"I don't care I'm doing it because I'm nice now get your tools ready because we have a house to decorate. I'm gonna ask Arias friends tomorrow but for now only you and Spence know."

"Ok sounds good. Good luck with All that paper work." he said as I walked out the door


I left to go sign all the paper work and that house is officially ours.
Aria's, Mine, and our two little babies on the way.

Pretty Little Liars: Aria is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now