Chapter 2- Red Hair

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Elise's life flashed before her eyes of her mother yelling at her like usual her friend and others skipping school lectures and the old men she fed and shared stories with when the sun went down.

"Stop her!" The king shouted loudly alerting everyone she was slowly dying however before they could even make it to her; a bow came out of the audience and sliced right through the rope. Elise fell to the ground with a loud thud she gasped for air as her throat felt sore. The girl is lucky she didn't weigh enough to snap her neck otherwise it would've really been an end to her.

Guards grabbed her wrists and lifted her up bringing her towards the king and one of the princes, her bosom still out in the open; realizing she covered her bodies most vulnerable areas.

"There you go my dear, a fur pelt was draped over her shoulders where she crouched on the ground placed next to his mighty comfortable chair. Elise shrugged it off glaring at them.

"I will not be your toy, you shouldn't have cut me free. I will die before I let a man foul my fire." The king looked at her amazed her green eyes full of flames. The deep chuckle that rose from his throat eased the audiences mind as they gasped at her intent for death.

"My dear, how did you ever get this hair." His old hand reached out grabbing a piece, whereas in the background of this all Elise still heard was the lifeless bodies being thrown to the ground so effortlessly. She ground her teeth but kept her mouth shut.

"Father the hangings have ended." A man in his late 20's blonde hair and blue eyes of the royals reached her eyes as she took all of him in. Once again the deep chucke arose as he stood up.

"Yes my dear boy, let us go back inside." The old man hobbled back towards the castle as Elise was dragged along leaving the stage and pile of bodies her eyes clamped shut as her stomach felt nauseous. This is not right! Although in her mind she was cursing shouting and fighting back she did nothing.

"Have the girl cleaned and taken to my boys room." The guards nodded and dragged Elise up a winding staircase, her arms getting sorer by the minuete.

"Do you think her hair is real, I have never seen this color before?" The guards conversed about her red hair and body as if she was not right behind them.

"For heavens sakes I'm right here you fools!" Elise covered her mouth just as fast as the words escaped. The tall gurd with auburn colored hair smiled as he continued talking.

"She sure does have an attitude; this one." The other guy nodded as she was taken down a hallway where two big round doors meet her.

"In there girly, there will be a maid to your right and left awaiting to bathe you." They opened the doors and pushed her in gently. Elise was shocked at the pool like tub with statues pouring water into the beautiful blue bath.

"Hello madam, I shall assist you in bathing." An older woman greeted Elise with some strange looking soaps in her hands.

"I can bathe myself, thank you ma'am." Elise headed towards the warmth of the bath.

"Madam, it is our job. We are the royal bathers." Another younger pretty woman joined in, her breasts immediately caught Elises eyes. "I know my breasts are quite the pleasure but I do not go that way madam." Elise blushed and frowned.

"I do not either, and why do they need two bathers." The girl smirked at her.

"I am the men's bather." The young one spoke up as the older one nodded.

"I however am the queens bather." The older one smiled faintly.

"Im sure you just bathe them." Said Elise smugly. That earned a slap across the cheek.

"I will not be talked to in that tone by a concubine!" Elise scoffed.

"I am not a concubine!" The girl nodded.

"Sure sure let's just get you smelling nice and clean." She pushed Elise Into the bath the warm water shocking and soothing her body as more dirt washed off. They grabbed the soap and began to lather her up, a heavenly smell reaching Elise's nose.

"Tell me child, how did you get such a beautiful look." The old woman worked her fingers through her hair.

"I was born like this ma'am." The young girl looked over Elise's body judging every thing she saw, unfortunately she had a better shape then most girls and that got on her nerves.

"Why is your skin so white?"

"My mother does not allow me outside frequently, I have to play at night time." The simple answer quieted the room as they finished washing her. Elise caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror her hair was brighter than she has ever seen her body shined like a porcelain doll; she touched her self confirmed it was her and felt confident.

The maids bought a dark dress to suit her in contrasting her bodies skin tones. They tightened the corset on her waist and draped her in the black clothes. They walked her through the corridors as they stopped at a midsection a painting of a woman with red hair and a gold crown hung on the wall. Elise stopped; admiring the art.

"Oh you like that mural?" The old maid looked at it with her.

"Mural of whom?" Elise touched the painting feeling so familar with it.

"Yes it is what the fortune teller painted, this is the sun god." Elise gasped taking her hand of the painting. they continued walking down the hall, Elise was looked at by passerbys as her red hair caught the attention of most.

"Here ma'am." They pointed her towards a white door with blue embroidered design. Elise's heart pounded as they opened.

"Welcome.. Red haired concubine."

Although those four words seemed like nothing, they soon started a war.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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