07 . uncertainty

127 0 4

As I'm frozen in shock i feel myself being pushed back.

' ' N-No way.. is that Mus- ' ' I say before being cut off

' ' Lae.. you weren't supposed to see that. ' 'Teeze says with sudden seriousness.

I notice Teezes lips quivering, they must be scared about something.. but what?

' ' H-Hey Teeze.. whats wrong? I swear you look like you've been crying ' ' I say quite frightened

I hear a short gasp before Teeze shouts

' ' None of your business Miss Nosy!! ' ' Before pushing me again, making me trip over

Teeze continues to sniffle.

As I go up to Teeze they suddenly back away in fear and slaps my arm

" Ow! What the fuck was that for!?!? " I say holding my arm while looking down at it

As I lift my head i see Teeze with tears in their eyes as they swing something at my face

I suddenly fall to the floor as my vision slowly darkens


My eyelids start to flicker open abruptly, I try to sit up but fell back in defeat as a loud piercing scream right in front of me.

' ' WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH YOU'RE ALIVE ' ' Someone says beside me cradling my face as tears pour out their eyes and snot out their nose

I then feel my body being shaken to pieces by the person, gripping the side sof my shoulders with their hands and puling me up and down

As i start to regain my senses i swat their hands off me.

' ' SORRY! ' ' They say with dried tears around their eyes

' ' It.. its fine.. ' ' I say while feeling my forehead in confusion

As the person continuedly shouts their worries to me I look to the side of me

Realising i was still in the infirmary.

I start to regain my memories as i remember a previous corpse to the side of the bed

The blood was still there? Did they not bother to clean it up or something...

Wait a sec.. Teeze!

My eyes widen at the thought of them, last time i saw them, they swung their bat at my face.

I then recall the previous events, The assembly hall.. what even was that..

I feel myself start to tear up at the old sights of my former alive acquaintances..

Wait.. BEE!

I look back to the person who was still rambling to me

' ' Wheres Bee? ' ' I ask them, cutting her off

She shrieked for a sec before answering

' ' UMM.. Bees on the hospital bed behind you ' '

My face starts to lighten up

' ' Bees injuries were really bad... but I'm sure thats nothing Lumi can fix... Shes rlly good.. yk? ' ' She says

' ' Thats good.. whats your name? ' '

' ' Um... my names Djen.. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING! ' ' They say with sparkles in their eyes as more tears threaten to spill

' ' U-UHH... Don't cry.. there there... ' ' I say patting their back a few times before standing up

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