Get Out Of My sight

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Word count: 2080


Johara's POV

The doctor would be out anytime. I remember mom saying that he had a heart attack before and I thought he got one again.

We waited for 15 minutes and then came out the doctor and when he did, my mom rushed around him while I, too, walked to him to ask about my father

"how's my husband? Tell me he is alright" her tears were having no control

"we tried our best" the doctor said as I saw my mother lose her balance "so sorry"
There was no expression on mom's face. She stopped crying and wailing as she was doing before. He eyes were all red and swollen. She sat on the chair and just stared down.
I could feel tears falling from my eyes. I didn't know what to say or do. I leaned at mom "it's ok" I said "everyone has to go one day"

She lifted up her face to look at me. I could see her red veins in her eyes, they held pain and anger "yeah everyone will go someday but today wasn't the day for my rafiq to leave me"
I just kept looking at her. I wasn't able to say anything as my father's death has left me aback "you killed your father johara" she yelled suddenly which almost gave me a heart attack "what did my husband and I do to deserve such a horrid and heartless daughter?"

"ma'am please control your voice, this is hospital" a nurse came out of nowhere and told my mom. I felt so embarrassed
"you'll be marrying idrees as soon as the first ray of sunlight hits our window tomorrow, till then, lock yourself in your room and do not show me your inauspicious face" she held my hand and pushed me "out of my sight now" she yelled so badly that I for the first time, I felt fear in me. I never saw her like this. Never ever.

I ran outside the hospital with dry tears and decided to walk a little before a book a cab.

I stayed in my room all the time. I couldn't find courage to say anything to anyone. There were a lot of noises coming from downstairs. I so badly wanted to go and see my father's face but my mom had locked me from the outside. I felt like a prisoner. I hated myself and my family at the same time.
I decided to call safi.

"hey beautiful"

"my father is no more" I said without any expressions

"whatt?!" he seemed shocked

"he got a heart attack last night" I spared the information that it was because of me.
"oh I am so sorry for your father but a good news as well" he said "you won't have to marry that man now"

"I am going to marry him tomorrow morning and I have no choice"

"ohh" he said. I couldn't find any dismay in his voice "you'll be only marrying him, just paperwork. I am the one you love and you'll be with me"

"hmm" I said while I felt someone opening the door "I'll talk to you later" I cut the call

It was someone I wasn't expecting. Idrees.

I never thought he would look so handsome in the traditional muslim jhubba
He sat on my bed, opposite to me and gave a sigh.
"I know it's hard for you but it'll be ok" his voice was soothing
"auntie said we will be getting married tomorrow morning, I promise I'll take care of you"

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