Family Dinner

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Word count:  1236


Johara's POV

"now now" I said "I almost forgot I have some hideous family dinner today. I have to go"

"oh right" sara was still stuffing her burger in her mouth "two bites remaining and we'll leave ok?"

After sara finished her burger, we left.

Sara first dropped me home "see you at the wedding babe"

"bye" I said and went  inside

The guests were already here.

"ohhhhh our johari is here, assalamualaikum" Rafiq uncle's friend squealed

What the hell is his name again?

Anyways I don't give a damn whatever is his name.

"hi" I greeted
My mother was giving awkward smiles which seemed forceful

"where's idrees? Let's have dinner already" my mom interrupted

"I'll call him" inayah said and went in the balcony

I went in my room to get in some comfortable clothes. I wore a loose maroon sweatpant and an oversized black shirt. My hair were open when I went out so I put a ponytail and came out. Inayah was coming out of balcony at the same time.

"johara" she called me

"yes?" I said looking at my phone. I was checking my dms

"there's a story I have to tell" she was giggling


"idrees told me about a girl today"

"so what  am I supposed to do?" I said plainly looking at her

"no" she was laughing now

Are you mad?

"he told that a girl bumped into her and was acting as if idrees did it on purpose"


He messed up dude!

Inayah and I went down to the dining hall and there laid one of the most delicious dining I've ever seen.
Not going to lie but I was regretting the burger I ate

Chicken korma, beef biriyani with raita (saltened curd with onion, tomatoes and green chilli), gulab jamun, naan ( a type of bread, similar to chapati), fried fish and samose.

Gosh my mouth was watering!!

Idrees was here too and I was livid when I looked at him but right now I had this amazing food to gulp down.

"johara, you sit beside idrees" my father told me

WHAT? Go make her stupid sister sit with him

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