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The only thing that mattered to johara now was being closer to Allah and understand islam even better. Idrees never gave a chance of complain to her as she strives to be an ideal wife.
On the other side, idrees thanked in every prayer to have johara as his wife. He never thought that this drastic change in her would be a new vision of this beautiful life.

One night she woke up to a weird feeling in her stomach. First thing that came into mind was diarrhea as they had lunch outside a day before. The sensation of vomit was intense that threw her off the bed as she falls in the bathroom, throwing every element in her stomach.
Hearing the loud bang of the bathroom door, idrees woke up with a jerk "what's wrong?" he ran towards johara as she laid in the bathroom

"my stomach hurts" she said slowly in a low voice

He helped johara get up. Johara's face was pale and white.

"it'll be ok" he consoled her "we will go to the doctor in the morning" he lifted up her chin and looked into her eyes. He rubbed her cheek with his thumb and placed a kiss on her nose to which she squinted.
She wrapped his waist with her hands as he embraced her into a tight hug. He slowly kissed her neck and rubbed her back from inside her shirt. She was stiffed and yearned for more of his touch.

"idrees?" she called him in a whisper

"yes?" they moved away a little to have a view of each other's faces

"I...I love you" her cheeks flushed into a light pink colour. The count of her confessing her love for him was innumerable but every time she said it, it  felt new and magical to her.

"I love you too johi" he came nearer to her, their faces just inches away, the hot breath of idrees fanning Johara's face.
He pulled her closer by her waist whilst she threw her hands in his neck. Their lips were joined into the mist of darkness, not knowing what part of night was in the present. They kissed passionately as their lips moved slowly in between of each other's breaths.
As the sea kissed the first ray of the sun, they both slept in each other's arms, johara buried her face in his chest as he kissed her forehead in slid into a deep slumber.

In the morning, they got ready for paying a visit to the hospital. Johara was completely fine until breakfast that she, again, had this intese sensation of vomiting. The couple concluded that this definitely must be diarrhea, food poisoning or indigestion.

After a 15 minute drive to the hospital, Johara's name was finally called by the nurse to meet the doctor.
She listened to every thing that had been happening since last night, except them loving each other obviously. She observed the condition and asked for a few tests.

The tests took another hour of theirs as again the nurse called Johara's name to get the reports.
The doctor was smiling as both of them took their seats.

"congratulations, you are 2 months pregnant"

"what?!" Johara's eyes almost left their sockets, same with idrees as well

"yes, the tests indicate that you are pregnant" the doctor said.
Both of them had flowers booming inside as they thanked the doctor and vacated the hospital.

"you are the best thing that happened in my life" idrees murmered in her ears as she sat on his lap "I can't believe I am going to be a father" he planted a smokey kiss on her neck

"even I can't believe that we are going to be parents" Johara's eyes were noisy by now "we must thank Allah for this"

Both of them did their ablution and prayed two rakah nafl in gratitude of the biggest wealth they were rewarded by Allah
As they finished their prayer, johara slid her hand in his and looked into his deep, dark, sparkling eyes and whispered "Alhamdulillah"

𝑨𝒍𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈......

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