Chapter 16: Rescue Mission

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The next day, Eclipse was acting strange. When inquired about it, she gave the same response.

"I'm not really, at home here, and I miss my own family." She replied to England's question, about the third person to ask her that day. Antarctica didn't know what the 2ps would do to her, so she didn't say anything.

The day dragged along, video gaming tournaments galore, until a sharp and loud knock came at the door.

"Who the hell is visiting now? In the middle of the freaking night!" America jumped up and walked to the door, Antarctica following. The door busted down, though, and Allen burst in, Matt and Oliver behind him, outside she could see Luciano and a few others.

"Give us back Eclipse!"

"Why? You'll kill her!"

"What?" Oliver asked. "No we won't! I- how would you think that?"

"You trapped us in a steel tank way too far below her ice!"

"Ge'ez, girl chill a little." Matt slapped Allen in the head.

"He means, we were planning a surprise-" Oliver cut him off, holding his hand over the Canadian's mouth. Eclipse had come up and stood beside Antarctica, they glanced at each other before Oliver sighed, being socked in the gut, and spoke.

"We were renovating your house and we're going to do the same for her, but then you guys freaked and broke them out."

"Why couldn't I say it?"

"Because it was my idea!" Matt whipped around behind Oliver and growled at Allen. Allen swung his bat, Oliver ducked just in time for their fight to break out, Luciano held up his camera with a smirk.

Eclipse jumped in, her and Allen pinning Matt down, until she caught Allen around the neck in a hug and hugged Matt the same way, smiling. "I missed you guys." Antarctica smiled.

"So you weren't trying to kill us?"

"No, love, just wanted to surprise you two. New countries need a welcome present you know!" He grinned. "Cupcake?" She nodded and accepted the cupcake, light blue frosting with a little white snowflake on it. "While you had Eclipse, we finished it up. Come over sometime!" He waved and took the four laughing countries back to the car.

Antarctica smiled and set the cupcake in the freezer for later. They gathered back on the couch, Germany finally calling for silence when Denmark and Prussia started wrestling in their everlasting tie.

"So, since we aren't going to be killed, let's go home and check up on our own homes?" America held up his keys to the big jet now covered in snow.

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